Visual Arts

Semester Overview: All students have been incredibly creative making clay artworks and exploring various areas of Art this semester. Now that the year is coming to an end, they are having fun making festive decorations. They look amazing!


Over this last semester Foundation students have been focusing on the area of art called ‘Construction’ to make some 3D ‘paper fantasy lands’, as well as clay, beads, and cardboard sculptures. The results were terrific, and the students really engaged with this area of Art. 

Level 1 

First grade artists have been exercising their creative skills focusing on drawing with a variety of art materials, such as chalk pastels, oil pastels, watercolour paints, printmaking (fingerprints, Lego/Duplo, foam stamps etc.) as well as making their own scratch art. Students have been working on creating texture through drawing and rubbings and have really enjoyed experimenting with colour and form. 

Level 2 

This semester, Grade 2 students had lots of fun exploring the area of Collage. They created bugs out of different colourful and patterned paper. They then enjoyed making and painting clay monsters, houses and shapes made of pellets and coils. Also, they explored weaving by creating paper weaving artworks. Lately, they have been creating beautiful decorations for the festive season.

Level 3

Grade 3 students spent most of the semester creating and painting their clay creations, owls, pencils holders and cupcakes. Recently, they have been exploring various threads and textiles, threading with beads and ribbon to create Christmas decorations, learning to weave, making friendship bracelets with wool and string and some general exploration with various materials and threads. 

Levels 4 & 5

Level 4 and 5 students created woven artworks by exploring weaving techniques from Aboriginal Artist, Kayra Manktelow, who uses the traditional weaving practises of her Quandamooka people. Students used raffia, a natural material, to make their artworks. What an amazing effort!

Level 6

Sixth grade students have now finalised their ‘Year 6 legacy project’ which they have gifted back to the school as a lasting artist presence in the school grounds. It is now on display, on the oval side of the year 3 building for all to admire for many years to come. This term students were introduced to the work and life of South American paper mâché artist Gustavo Ramirez Cruz. Students were inspired by his work and wanted to create their own 3D creations. They used wire, newspaper, and tape to create 3D sculptures which they then went on to cover in mod roc and paint.  

A Thank You Note from Mrs De Villiers

Unfortunately, in 2023 my family and I will be relocating to Ballarat for my husband’s work commitments which means I will not be teaching at Jells Park. 

I have called Jells home off and on for over 10 years now and especially loved returning in 2022 to teach Art on a Thursday and Friday. 

Thank you to the Jells Park community for always being supportive and encouraging to the teaching staff. 

Thank you from Claire de Villiers.