
Level 3

Level 3 students have continued learning animals in LOTE. Students have learned the Chinese names of some native Australian animals – kǎo lā 考拉 (koala) and dài shǔ 袋鼠 (kangaroo). We also learned about Giant Pandas in China and drew pandas with their favourite food – bamboo leaves.

Level 4

Level 4 students have been learning the Chinese names of different weather in LOTE. Students have also learned how to ask and express the day’s weather in a conversation.

Level 5

Level 5 students have learned how to express time in Chinese. We have applied our learning into translating our school timetable into Chinese.

Level 6

Level 6 students have been learning and practising conversation at a restaurant in Chinese. Students took turns in acting as a waiter or a waitress, and the customer in a restaurant. We used the menus which we had created together as a class to practice ordering food and drinks at a restaurant in Chinese.


Miss Choi

JPPS Languages