Assessment, Redemption, Feedback

Senior Pathways Program 2025


There are two forms of school-based assessment:


School Assessed Courcework (SAC):

  • will be used to assess student achievement in their VCE studies

School Assessed Task (SAT):

  • will be used to assess student achievement in the following VCE studies - Art, Product Design and Technology, Food And Technology, Media, Studio Arts, Visual Communication and Design, and Systems Engineering


SACS (Units 1 - 4) :

  • Coursework assessment of the student’s level of achievement is based on assessment tasks designated in the study design and as determined by VCAA (for mor information see VCAA website and bulletins). 
  • Tasks are based on the key knowledge and the key skills required to complete the Unite to a satisfactory standard.
  • Designated tasks for coursework assessment are selected from the study design and must form part of the regular teaching an learning program. 
  • Designated tasks must be completed mainly in class within a designated time frame
  • Teachers may use drafts for authentication and a teaching and learning strategy however, teachers will not mark or provide comments on any draft work that is to be submitted for courswork assessment. 

Assessment results are recorded on Compass.  SAC results are conditional as they may change as a result of statistical moderation.  Total SAC scores may change following statistical moderation.


Although schools may permit students to submit further work for satisfactory completion of a unit, students may not submit further tasks for the reconsideration of SAC scores awarded by the school.


Attendance at SACs is compulsory.  SACs should be approached by students in a serious and studious manner as these tasks contribute to the student's study score.


MESC Assessment Procedure

  • Students undertake COURSEWORK throughout the unit to demonstrate the prescribed Key Knowledge and Key Skills for an OUTCOME.
  • Successful demonstration by the student will result in the student being awarded a SATISFACTORY OUTCOME - 'S"
  • SCHOOL ASSESSED COURSEWORK - 'SAC' is an assessment piece prescribed by the VCAA Study Design.  The result achieved by the student from completing this assessment provides a 'SCORE' for the student.

COURSEWORK = ‘S’ or ‘N’         SAC = Score


SAC’s cannot be used to redeem coursework that has not 

been satisfactorily demonstrated

  • At the end of the regular coursework time, should a student have NOT satisfactorily demonstrated the required standard for the key knowledge and key skills for the Outcome – an ‘N’ will be awarded. 
  • The student will sit the SAC (assessment) at the same time as all other students and receive a score. 
  • Regardless of the score that the student achieves they will be required to complete additional task(s) to satisfactorily demonstrate the sections of the Outcome that they have not already done so - Redemption.
  • If the student meets the required standard on these tasks an ‘S’ will be awarded.
  • If the student does not meet the required standard on these tasks then an 'N' will be awarded – resulting in a score of '0 - zero' being awarded.  Direct communication with the Year Level Coordinator must take place before finalising the awarding of an ‘N’.

VCE Assessment Redemption Policy

If an ‘N’ has been awarded because work has not been completed by the due date(s) or the work has not been completed to the required standard, Students and Teachers will follow the Redemption application process below:

  1. Classroom teacher records the redemption details for the student and completes the Redemption of Coursework for S or N - Senior section on Compass
  2. Year Level Coordinator will approve the redemption via compass (or seek further information)
  3. If approved, the classroom teacher administers redemption task(s) for the student to complete which enables them to demonstrate the Key Knowledge and / or Key Skills from the Outcome that they have not been able to satisfactorily demonstrate. 
  4. If the teacher deems that the completed work does demonstrate the required standard, then an ‘S’ will be awarded. 
  5. If the teacher deems that the completed work does not demonstrate the required standard the ‘N’ remains (the teacher will communicate directly with the student, guardians and Year Level Coordinator)

Extension Policy

Students are not automatically eligible for an extension for a SAC / SAT. Grounds for which an extension may be considered include:

  • Illness supported by a medical certificate
  • Sudden personal circumstances of which the Year Level Coordinator has been adequately informed and is supported by the appropriate documentation 
  • Applications for extensions which relate to extra-curricular activities should also be made by the student
  • The extension application is made at least three days prior to the date on which the work is due (where possible).

Students and teachers are expected to follow the Extension application process 


  1. Classroom teacher records the extension details for the student and completes the SAC Extension – Senior entry via Compass.
  2. The Year Level Coordinator will approve or deny the extension via Compass.
  3. If approved, the classroom teacher will liaise with the SPP Sub School Manager to determine if a sub-school SAC catch up session is being run the following week.
  • YES - Teacher will provide the Year Level Coordinator with a copy of the SAC and all required materials. Student will be notified of the dates and time for the SAC.
  • NO - the teacher will conduct the SAC during a lesson in the following week.
  • Failure to follow these guidelines may result in a student not being able to re-sit their SAC. In this case, a student will receive ‘NA’ for the assessment.

Feedback to Students

After work is submitted and marked, teachers must email both students and parents to notify them that feedback is now available to students on Compass. 

  • Advice on particular problem areas
  • Advice on where and how improvements can be made for further learning
  • Written comments on students’ performance against each outcome
  • SAC marks