Teacher Responsibilities

Senior Pathways Program 2025

Teacher Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of each teacher to:

  • Ensure the Compass roll is accurately and promptly marked for EACH lesson.
  • Update any late arrivals on Compass by the end of the lesson and register the lateness on compass.
  • Regularly discuss with students any concerns over attendance, contact home in a timely manner, make regular notes on Compass and liaise with the students' Coordinator for further support.  This includes notifying home, through a Compass post (Senior School 3 or 5 Absence post), when student reaches 3 and 5 'unexplained absences' within your class. 
  • Provide students with a clear understanding of the standard of work required for satisfactory completion of a unit of work, including what key knowledge and skills they must show in order to achieve an "S". 
  • Ensuring students are made aware of timelines and deadlines for ALL work. This includes clear deadlines for coursework, priorto a SAC/SAT – published on Compass. All SAC / SAT dates to be discussed within your domain. The Domain Leader will then provide the dates to the Careers & VASS Officer for publishing on the school Calendar. 
  •  If a student DOES NOT submit adequate coursework (that meets a satisfactory standard and can be confidently authenticated) within a timely manner PRIOR to the SAC, the teacher MUST notify both the student and parent/carer (AT LEAST one week) prior to the SAC through an ‘Academic At Risk’ Compass post. If student has still not met coursework requirements 3 days prior to the SAC, please contact the Year Level Coordinator immediately for support. 
  • Develop and implement a homework schedule for students to further develop their learning -  enabling them to further demonstrate their understanding of the required key knowledge and skills (minimum of 1 & ½ hours per week).
  • Create regular time for team moderation of student work to ensure consistency in assessment and reporting across subjects and year levels.
  • All assessments are documented and reported according to the MESC Assessment & Reporting Guidelines (see document attached below)
  • Provide assessment feedback to students within 2 weeks, once moderation has occurred. Should this not be possible due to student or teacher absences - this will be communicated to the students.


For all units in the VCE & VCE VM, schools must specify the work that a student must do to achieve an "S" for a unit and the conditions under which the work is to be done. The teacher must inform each student in writing of the following:

  • all set work and assessment they need to complete to achieve an "S" for the unit
  • all work they need to complete for School-based Assessment for the assessment of levels of achievement
  • class attendance requirements
  • rules for authentication of School-based Assessments
  • how to submit work
  • timelines and deadlines for completing work
  • procedures for obtaining an extension of time
  • internal school appeal procedures.

Appeals Procedure

In the situation whereby a student does not agree with the outcome of the teacher to either award an S/N or breach of assessment / authentication procedures, the following with occur:

  • Student will discuss the incident / outcome with the teacher 
  • If the outcome is still in dispute the student will present this to the SPP Year 11/ 12 Coordinator who will gather all information from the teacher and the student then review the information against the VCAA procedures as outlined in the VCAA Administration Handbook. Year Level Coordinator to liaise with the SPP Assistant Principal.
  • Once the outcome has been decided the Coordinator will inform the teacher and the student including the resultant course of action.
  • Should the student wish to appeal this outcome they must contact the college Principal directly.