Our Curriculum 

Senior Pathways Program 2025

Our Curriculum - Senior Pathways Program

Mount Eliza Secondary is a learning community focused on ensuring that our students are happy and prepared to strive for excellence in learning.


Our curriculum is underpinned by the Victorian Curriculum and enables students to undertake a variety of subjects from different domains. 


Our Senior Pathways Program offers a breadth of subjects and pathways to cater for all student interests in the senior years including the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or the Victorian Certificate of Education – Vocational Major (VCE VM). Vocational Educational Training in schools (VETDSS) is available to all students in Years 10-12. 

Victorian Certificate of Education - VCE

The minimum requirements for a student to successfully obtain their VCE is satisfactory completion of 16 units including:

  • At least 3 units of English or English Literature or English as an Additional Language (EAL) - must include a sequence of units 3&4
  • At least 3 sequences of Units 3 and 4, other than English - which can include VCE VET sequences

EAL Eligibility (see VCAA website for full description)

It is possible to apply for EAL status if both the following conditions are met:

  1. The student has been a resident in Australian for not more than 7 calendar years in total
  2. English has been the student's major language of instruction for a total period of not more than 7 years over the period of their education

Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major - VCE VM

To be eligible to receive the VCE VM students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 16 units, including

  • 3 VCE VM Literacy or VCE English units (including a Unit 3-4 sequence)
  • 2 VCE VM Numeracy or VCE Mathematics units
  • 2 VCE VM Work Related Skills units
  • 2 VCE VM Personal Development Skills units, and
  • 2 VET credits at Certificate II level or above (180 nominal hours)

Students must complete a minimum of three other Unit 3-4 sequences as part of their program.  Units 3 and 4 of VM studies may be undertaken together over the duration of the academic year to enable these to be integrated.  The VCE VM can be tailored to the needs and interests of the student, to keep them engaged while developing their skills and knowledge.  Students can also include other VCE studies and VET, and can receive structured workplace learning recognition.  

Most students will undertake between 16-20 units over the two years.



The College Vocational Education and Training (VET) program works in conjunction with the FMPLLEN (Frankston Mornington Peninsula Local Learning & Employment Network Inc) and associated schools.  VET in the VCE or VCE VM allows students to include vocational studies within their senior secondary certificate.

Each qualification provides an opportunity for students to develop an awareness of the world of work and develop employability skills that will contribute to their career development journeys.

Students undertake nationally recognised training from nationally accredited training packages which contribute to their VCE or VCE VM.


VETDSS is optional in Year 10 and VCE but essential in VCE VM.

VET contributes units of credit to both the VCE and VCE VM.  Some VET programs can also provide students with an ATAR contribution.  The number of VCE units and the ATAR contribution available varies from program to program.  More information about programs offering a study score can be located at www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/Pages/vet/programs/scoredassess.aspx


VET qualifications are delivered both as part of the student's regular timetable and in a block on a Wednesday.  For more information on VET programs, please contact VET Coordinator, Leanne Paterson.


Note: VET is not recommended during Year 12 VCE as it may disrupt the student's timetable.


Pathway Transition Interviews with Careers Practitioner

Transition Interviews are conducted with students at key times during the year. The intention of these interviews is to allow clear pathways to be developed for students: at risk, in need of changes to their course of study, to check vocational goals, etc. 

Parents can attend these interviews and in certain circumstances may be required at these interviews.


Victorian Pathways Certificate - VPC 

The Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) is an inclusive Year 11 and 12 certificate designed to meet the needs of students who require a more individualised and flexible program for their last two years of secondary schooling.  The certificate can be an end point, with students recognised for and proud of what they have achieved. Alternatively, a student may use it as a jumping off point to one of the other learning programs, most usually when they feel confident in their learning ability.

The VPC provides an enriched curriculum and excellent support for students to focus on developing the skills, knowledge, and qualities for success in personal, workplace, and civic life.

The VPC is not a senior secondary qualification, however, students can use it as a pathway to the VCE, VCE VM, or VET certificates. VPC units, being at AQF Level 1 do not provide credit into the VCE or VCE VM.

The VPC is designed to develop and extend pathways for young people, while providing flexibility in delivery and assessment to support the different needs of students choosing this certificate.  The VPC is suitable for students whose previous schooling experience may have been disrupted for a variety of reasons, including students with additional needs, students who have missed significant periods of learning and vulnerable students at risk of disengaging from their education. Students will gain the skills, knowledge, values and capabilities to make informed choices about pathways into a senior secondary qualification, entry level vocational education and training (VET) course or employment.


The minimum requirement for the VPC is satisfactory completion of 12 units, which must include:

  • at least two units of VPC Literacy (or units from the VCE English group, including VCE Vocational Major Literacy)

  • at least two units of VPC Numeracy (or units from the VCE Mathematics group, including VCE Vocational Major Numeracy)

  • at least two VPC Personal Development Skills units

  • at least two VPC Work Related Skills units.

The remaining four units may include other curriculum, such as VCE units, VCE Vocational Major units and units of competency from nationally recognised VET.