General Achievement Test - GAT
Senior Pathways Program 2025
General Achievement Test - GAT
Senior Pathways Program 2025
The General Achievement Test (GAT) is a pen-and-paper test of general knowledge and skills taken by students in the course of completing their senior secondary studies.
The GAT plays an important role in the quality assurance of VCE assessments and also provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate they meet the Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Standards expected at a senior secondary level. GAT results are also used in the calculation of the Derived Examination Score (DES).
No special study is needed. Past study of subjects like English, Mathematics, Science and History prepares students for the GAT by building their general knowledge and skills in writing, numeracy and reasoning.
The GAT is structured into Section A and Section B, with a range of question difficulties.
Marks are not deducted for incorrect answers.
Time allocations are provided for each component to make sure students attempt all sections of the GAT. Even if one section is not completed within the suggested time allocation, students should move on to attempt the next section. Students can return to any incomplete questions at the end of the test.
Section A is comprised of:
Section B is comprised of:
If a student has already met the standards in a previous year and they are enrolled in VCE Vocational Major but not in any VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3–4 sequences, they will not be expected to sit Section A. However, they may opt to do so if they wish.