Principal's Page 

From Christian's desk....

World Teachers’ Day 

This year, World Teachers’ Day is on Friday October 28th. It is an opportunity to say thank you for the incredible contributions teachers make to our community.

We will be celebrating World Teachers’ Day at school with lots of little treats throughout the day! 

You can get involved by sending a message of thanks to a teacher who is making, or has made, an impact on your life, using #thanksvicteachers on social media. Head to the World Teachers Day webpage for resources to help celebrate World Teachers’ Day 2022, including ‘Thank You’ card templates.

CHAPS – Giving to our Community

On Monday evening the staffroom was once again full of laughing parents as CHAPS met for October.  In the meeting, the parents’ group celebrated the installation of the Junior playground extension, their fundraising efforts through the Chocolate Drive, and the success of the School Disco.

Well done to all of our wonderful volunteers. You truly do make our school that little bit extra special (or spooky in the case of the disco!)

If you would like to help the CHAPS team with our upcoming Colour Run (18th November) please get in contact with them via If you’d like to support our school’s end-of-year events and fundraising please diarise Monday 21st November. 

Year 3 Camp Update

Unfortunately this week’s scheduled Year 3 Camp was cancelled due to Vic Emergency’s ‘Watch and Act’ warnings in the area and transit locations. The good news is the Camp has been rescheduled for Wednesday 30th Nov – Friday 2nd Dec.

There will be no additional costs to families.

Thank you to our Year 3 Camp Team and Camp Coordinator, Noreen McMenaman for their tremendous efforts rallying to reorganise the camp at such short notice. 

REPEAT: Placement of staff and students into classes for 2023

In last week’s newsletter, I shared that I am open to parent feedback on student class placement for 2023. If you have any valuable information, regarding the class placement for your child for 2023, that is above and beyond what the classroom teacher and leadership team already know, you may wish to provide the school with that information via this FORM by Thursday 17th November. 

Students will be asked for their ‘friends list’ in the coming weeks.

Regarding the whole process, I encourage families to trust our school’s judgment and, like I do, value our teachers as high-calibre people that care first and foremost for our children. Ultimately, it is our current class teachers, as professionals with all available information that are in the best position to place students in classes. Further, I am sure that you would understand that it is not always possible to accommodate all requests and that an important part of any student’s journey through their schooling is the development of vital life skills. This includes meeting, getting to know, and working with different personalities.

Christian Holdsworth  -  Principal