Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.

As people of faith our learners have been engaging in creating their own prayers of the faithful. Year 1/2 AM have been busy learning about ways in which prayers can be written and the purpose of these prayers. The children were given the opportunity to look at the prayers that are used and why we use these prayers. They discovered that as a catholic faith community these simple prayers allow the children to recognise the leaders of the church, the world, those in need, those who have died and the local community.  As collaborators and researchers, the following prayers were written by 1/2 AM.

  • We pray for our Church leaders, that they continue to inspire us, help others and guide us through prayer. 
  • We pray for the St Fidelis community, the teachers, families and students and the members of our church, that they are happy, healthy and safe. 
  • We pray for those who are sick and living with disease and illness. Help them to heal and give them strength and courage in these hard times. 
  • We pray for the people who have passed away and are no longer here with us on Earth. May they continue to watch over us and keep us safe. 
  • We pray for the poor and needy who are living without food, shelter and clothing. Please provide them with all of the things they need and make a difference in their lives. 

This Tuesday 23rd of November, 1/2AM and 1/2SC will be attending Mass.  We invite all parents and careers to join us.


This term, as part of our religious learning, our whole school scripture focuses on the Catholic Creation story from Genesis. As a whole school community, we have been finding out, sorting out and making connections to the creation story from Genesis. Our year 1/2 AM learners discovered that God created this beautiful Earth. He created the land and the water, and night and day. Then he filled it with trees, flowers, plants and all different living things.  Lastly, he created humans to be good, caring and kind, just like him. But most importantly, God created humans to be respectful and responsible and to look after all of creation. 


Creation story reflections written by 1/2AM:

Annette Gasbarro

Religious Education Leader