New Program 

On Monday July 25 a new program was launched at Lilydale High School, Supper Club Mondays! The program is a collaborative effort between SWC and the Year 8 coordination team.


Each week a group of enthusiastic Year 8 boys (supported by Year 11 students) will prepare and cook delicious and nutritious meals that will be on sale for the staff to buy at lunchtime.


All money raised from Supper Club Mondays will go towards sporting equipment, improving school grounds, charities and other areas of need that will be decided in conjunction with the boys.


The program has run twice now, and both lunches were very successful, in fact, the boys sold out of Beef Stroganoff in Week 2!


I look forward to seeing the development in these boys both in their commitment and ownership of a school program, as well as their growing culinary skills!



Miss Stavrou