Teaching & Learning

Pathways Planning

While students are at school it may seem to them as though it will last forever; however as adults we know that our school days pass in an instant. The transition from school to post school is not always an easy one.   Being exposed to possibilities about the future – even if a young person isn’t sure about a career- helps with the transition of from school to work, university, or further training. Many people play an important role in supporting your son with his plans for the future.  At St Bede’s College, we hold various events which aim to promote dialogue between parents and children, and between students and others, such as education providers, careers practitioners and teachers.    Parents and carers are encouraged to engage in positive career conversations with their child from an early age, and to avail themselves of the opportunities provided.

Save the Dates

Subject Selections 2020

In a school such as St Bede’s a great deal of time goes into planning for classes, timetabling and staffing of subjects.  We are already beginning to prepare for subject selections for 2020.  Parents have an important role to play in this so we would like to give you advance notice of the following ways in which we are supporting your son’s pathways planning:


DateWho for?DescriptionTime and Venue

Tuesday June 18


Current Year 10 parents/carersHelping Your Son Navigate Course Options extra support and advice from Careers Coordinator, Ms Angie Greaves.St Bede’s College Lecture theatre

Monday June 24


Current Year 10 studentsYear 10 AssemblySt Bede’s College Auditorium
Weeks 1 and 2 of Term 3Current Year 9 and 10 studentsLunchtime subject information sessionsFunction Room
Wednesday July 17Current Year 10 students and parents/carersSenior Pathways Information Evening required for students (and parents/carers) wishing to continue to Year 11 2020.St Bede’s Sports Centre and Lecture Theatre (refer to CareMonkey notification for times)
Wednesday July 24Current Year 9 students and a parent/carerYear 10 2020 Information Session

St Bede’s College Hall

6.30 pm-7.00 pm

Wednesday July 24Current Year 8 students and a parent/carerYear 9 2020 Information Session

St Bede’s College Hall

7.30 pm-8.00 pm


This can be daunting for parents who are going through subject selection for the first time, so you will find a summary below of the selection requirements for each year level.  Please be assured that staff are here to help through this process.




What will students be selecting?

Year 7Year 8LOTE Pathway – Italian or Indonesian
Year 8Year 9Year 9 Semester Electives
Year 9Year 10

Year 10 Semester Electives

VCE Acceleration (subject to eligibility criteria)

Year 10Year 11Select VCE Program or VCAL program
Year 11Year 12

Continue with VCE or VCAL program.

In some cases students may be permitted to change from a

VCE to a VCAL program.  Changes from VCAL to VCE are not possible.


Further information regarding online selection will be provided at each of the sessions.  Students will also be supported with information during assemblies.



Maria Haggett

Deputy Principal

Teaching and Learning