Middle School


Acting Head of Middle School


Middle School are the foundation years for students to develop the skills and understanding needed later in their secondary journey. The main aim of the Middle Years Programme (MYP) is to develop a strong interest in learning through connecting theory to the real world in a practical way. We encourage students to see the links and explore ideas at a deeper level, embracing challenges to see opportunities to discover more.  I am looking forward to continuing to work with the families and students of Middle School again this year.


Assisting me to guide the students in their learning journey this year, we have a group of committed staff who work closely with each student in the Middle School to ensure their wellbeing is taken care of. This year the Middle School Pastoral Team is:

Year 6

Dean Damatopoulos (Year 6 & 7 Coordinator), Michael Wengier, Tonia Tsalapataris, Penny Takos and Richard Price.

Year 7

Dean Damatopoulos (Year 6 & 7 Coordinator), Stamata Sideris, Andrew Harbis, Guang Wu, Kiki Koursourakis, and Desi Maramis.

Year 8

Michael Pegiou (Year 8 & 9 Coordinator), Sharon Cheung, Chris Sexton, Leigh Gridley, Vin Bua, Natasha Spanos.

Year 9

Michael Pegiou (Year 8 & 9 Coordinator), Paula Tsiagalos, Kane Felsinger, Daniel Meares, Judy Martin and Peter Abkbiyik.


MYP Coffee Morning

From Years 6 to 9, the corridors of the Middle School over the past few weeks have come alive with displays talking about this. I invite you as parents to join our new MYP Coordinator, Melissa Fitzgerald, to learn more about the MYP at our Coffee Morning on the 4th of March at 11.00am. A letter with the details has already been emailed home.


Student Voice

The Middle School Captains, Chloe Sheer and Arthur Demetriou, presented their views for the upcoming year at the Middle School Information Evening. Their speeches were both articulate and inspiring. They have already demonstrated a very sound understanding of their roles as leaders, and will be encouraged to continue to lead the Middle School with confidence and to learn from the experience to grow as individuals. Working with students such as Chloe and Arthur is part of my role that is always enjoyable and rewarding, and truly a pleasure.

Middle School Captain Speeches

I suppose I’m not very different to any other student, in that I expect certain levels of respect and good behaviour in the classroom. These two aspects are particularly important to the overall learning environment, as it assists all students to be at their very best, and to gain valuable knowledge and life skills. Furthermore, I also expect my classmates to respect my desire to learn, and to be supportive of each other as we all strive for excellence.


We already have a solid foundation which has been built by our Principal, Mr Mark Robertson, and his capable leadership team. In addition, we also have teachers who care about the welfare and growth of every student, which enables them to become good learners as well as good solid citizens of the future. Programs such as 'The Leader in Me' and the 'International Baccalaureate' have been developed for this purpose.


With the help of all the students and staff, I expect to have a great year. By having a code of conduct, interesting curriculum and total support from the people above, there is no reason for me to get stressed or anxious regarding the school year. In fact, I expect to feel totally relaxed, valued and loved, which in turn will enable me to produce my very best.

Arthur Demetriou

Middle School Captain 2020


As the school year begins it is important to know that while it may be scary, no one is alone on their journey through Oakleigh Grammar. There is amazing support from teachers and staff who genuinely care about their students, and who create the best learning environment to help us grow and turn into the extraordinary young people we achieve to be.


For the upcoming year, I am looking forward to exploring new things and to find out what “your time to shine” means to me, and how I can put it into practice, as it is this year’s whole school theme. This year I am grateful to have this opportunity to share and seek knowledge from others, as I said in my nomination speech, we learn best when we are together, helping each other to grow is helping yourself. Sometimes you need to fall to learn and that is okay because there is an Oakleigh Grammar family there behind you, with guidance. To the new families and students, I welcome you to this School. Let’s make 2020 our year together.

Cloe Sheer

Middle School Captain 2020


Middle Years Programme Coordinator


MYP at Oakleigh Grammar

My name is Melissa Fitzgerald and I am the new Middle Years Programme (MYP) Coordinator at Oakleigh Grammar. I recently spent more than 12 years teaching in International Baccalaureate schools in the Middle East, before returning to Australia to be closer to my two sons who are at university in Melbourne. I’m very excited to be at Oakleigh, and look forward to sharing my love of the MYP with the OG Community.


Learner Profile

At the core of the MYP is the learner profile. This profile describes 10 attributes valued by IB world schools, who believe that they can help your son/daughter become responsible members of local, national and global communities. These attributes include: inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk takers, balanced and reflective. MYP students should be very familiar with these attributes, as they form part of the teaching and learning programme. In addition, they are taught through the pastoral programme. I recently completed my own profile and it looks like this:


Statements of Inquiry

Learning through the MYP is driven through carefully constructed statements of inquiry which explain what students should understand, and why that understanding is meaningful. Teachers work collaboratively to write their statements of inquiry, and they should link to the summative assessment. Here are some current examples:

  • Year 6 Physical and Health Education - Our capacity to recognise biases and consider diverse points-of-view influence our choices when interacting with others.
  • Year 7 Greek – Religious celebrations around the world and their message are part of our personal and cultural expression.
  • Year 8 Mathematics – The measurement of geometrical forms helps us to accurately describe natural and man-made objects.


International Mindedness

The MYP is taught in more than 5,000 schools throughout the world, and the IB Mission Statement aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people, who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. This focus on International Mindedness is taught through the curriculum and pastoral programmes. Through selecting curriculum material that has international connections and linking to people, issues, cultures, faiths, etc. the MYP student should end up with a great deal of understanding, compassion and curiosity for other people and their differences.


If you would like any further information on the MYP, please attend the MYP coffee morning on Wednesday the 4th of March, or email me at: MFitzgerald@oakleighgrammar.vic.edu.au