From the Principal's Desk

Continuous Learning Program (Remote and Flexible Learning): Schooling at Home Without Going Mad!

Welcome back to  the madness of Term 2! A very different type of mad that we are all accustomed  to.


No doubt you have all received my communications regarding ourrey,) over the course of the past few weeks. This will continue to be the case moving forward and while I  empathize with the stress families may be experiencing,  it's really important that you stay up to date with all communications. 


I've been coming into the office each day since the beginning of term and thought that rather than preaching to you about how to manage schooling from home, I would work from home today and get a small glimpse of life in the 'real world,' as we currently know it. Thought I'd start with the simple task of writing the weekly newsletter... What could go wrong?


How could I sum up my experiences?

It's 3.15pm.... I've made sure Number 2 son was on time for all his scheduled Meets, assisted with his Maths and English (written a fantastic essay if I do say so myself) videoed his  PE prac,  cleaned up the breakfast dishes, competed with Number 1 son for use of the office space, hung out the washing, assisted with my daughter's work assignments, tripped up over the dog 100 times,  prepared lunch, cleaned up after lunch, moved my laptop to every room in the house for a little bit of peace, prepared dinner, 'lost the plot' with everyone and now as I find some solace on the front porch with my headphones on (so that I can't hear the banter, the bickering and the pleas for help), I'm  up to my third paragraph of this Newsletter! Not a very productive day.  I can't imagine what it would be like for a household of little ones.


So other than being ON TIME for your Google Meets, do what works for you. Remember that it is flexible learning ... Set up a space, set up a routine (leave the colour coded schedules for us), establish boundaries and most importantly, factor in some time for fun each day or we will all go mad!


We will continue to teach via our online platform because that's what we need to  do. We will offer a range of pre-recorded and live sessions (with the live sessions increasing next week).  Live sessions will be recorded so that they may be accessed later if your child is not available to meet live. 


We are all experiencing the madness (you are not alone there) but hopefully it becomes manageable. Hey... it might even become enjoyable!

Whole School Assembly

Talking about madness, I plan to conduct a whole school assembly on Monday morning at the regular time of  9:00am sharp.  Families can connect via Google Meet in your child's G-Suite account using the nickname cckassembly.


Please remember to keep your volume off unless called upon and as with all Meets... be on time. 

Easter Raffle

For your information we held a belated Draw of the Easter Raffle last week for all those who submitted tickets with the lucky winners as follows:

Year Prep Community: Alessandra Garro

Year 1/2 Community: Ethan Phan

Year 3/4 Community: Wilbur Hollis

Year 5/6: Keighley Ferro

Prizes are available at the office for collection when you are ready.

Work Books

If any families require additional work books for your child/ren to complete  activities, you are welcome to collect them from the school  office between 8:45am and 3:45pm daily.

School Closure Days:

Years 1-6 Learning Conferences

Please be advised that Learning Conferences for our Year 1-6 students will take place on Tuesday 5th May and Wednesday 6th May. As the Learning Conferences will be conducted online through Google Meet we are allowing two days to complete the process as follows:

Tuesday 5th May: 8:45am - 8:00pm

Wednesday 6th May: 10:00am - 3:00pm


Families are to use our regular booking system to book a time and will access Google Meet using the student's G-Suite account. The meeting code will be your child's student number, for example 200568.


Simply open Google Meet at your interview time, enter the student number and your teacher will be waiting for you. Sounds simple!


To book an appointment go to and enter the event code of wc9q9.


These two days will be allocated as School Closure: Pupil Free Days for all students and as such there will be NO work tasks assigned to children. OSHClub will be operating over the two days so this will take the place of our onsite program. It's also available for EVERY family to utilize and it's absolutely 100% FREE !!!


Registered families will be able to book via the portal and families who are yet to use the OSHClub service will need to first register at


We are very lucky to have the service still operating and it's a fantastic option for families. 

School Photos Rescheduled

School photos have been  rescheduled to Thursday 8th October (first week of Term 4) 


A complete new set of order forms and log in codes will be re-issued closer to the date,  however families who have already placed an order will not need to place an order again. 

Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF)

An extension has been applied to assist families  in applying for the Camp, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF). 


To receive the government rebate of $125 per primary aged child,  families must obtain a valid Health Care Card for the 2020 year .


Should you require an application for the CSEF please email the school office at


We encourage families to submit these to the school office ASAP.  Applications for CSEF close on the 26th June 2020.