Religious Education and Social Justice

The Resurrection of Our Lord


Welcome back to Term 2. During the holidays we celebrated Easter in a very different way to how we normally do. There were no church services available for us to attend in person and the usual gatherings of families and friends could not occur due to the restrictions of social distancing.


However the Church still led us in the wonder and joy of the Easter season. On Easter Sunday I watched the beautiful Easter Mass  celebrated by Archbishop Anthony Fisher which was televised from St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney. It was an opportunity to celebrate Easter through the Mass. The Archbishop invited the viewers to:

 "ask God that by spiritual communion you might receive all the graces you would in  sacramental communion.


Even though we are unable to go to Mass and receive communion at the moment, we can still celebrate our faith through prayer. I know that our parish priest,  Fr John O'Connor, continues to celebrate Mass privately and he offers those Masses and his prayers for all of us in the Corpus Christi community.


The Easter season began on Easter Sunday and continues until the end of May this year. Try to take some time each day to pray that we, along with all that matters, are graced with the life-giving energy of the Risen Lord and that we may spread the Good News of Christ’s victory over death. 

Sunday Mass Activities

As we are currently unable to celebrate  Mass, each week  I will provide some activities related to the Sunday Gospel readings. Please see below the links to a few activities related to last Sunday's Gospel reading which tells us how Jesus appeared to the apostles after the resurrection. 


Praying at Home

Each day begins for the children with a prayer as part of the Learning Community Welcome led by the class teachers.


You are encouraged to set up a prayer space in your home which might include:

a crucifix, candle (only to be lit with adult supervision!), some flowers and maybe a holy picture, statue, rosary beads or other faith symbols you have. A crucifix can be simply made with small branches/twigs from a tree.


The power of prayer is truly amazing and as we spend this time in self isolation we can take the time to pray for those who are suffering in many ways, thank God for the many people who are caring for those who are unwell and pray for the many people who are working on ways to prevent the spread of COVID 19.

Prayers of the Faithful

That Catholics around the world will experience the strength of their faith community when worshipping at Mass is not possible. 

Lord hear us.


Reponse: Lord hear our prayer


That people who are alone will find comfort in your love. We pray especially for those experiencing isolation during the coronavirus restrictions. 

Lord hear us.


Reponse: Lord hear our prayer


That those living with the fear of disease will find a sense of calm and shelter in Christ. We especially pray for people who are sick from the coronavirus.  

Lord hear us.


Reponse: Lord hear our prayer


That all leaders of nations will work together and find mutual solutions to benefit all people. We pray especially for cooperative work on solutions for the coronavirus pandemic.

Lord hear us.


Reponse: Lord hear our prayer



Stay safe and well. God bless you all.


Jane Wilkinson

Religious Education Leader