Wellbeing Off Campus

The Welfare team is still there for you while you are working from home. If you require assistance please feel free to contact the College Counsellor, the Chaplain, your homeroom teacher, your year coordinator or a teacher that you trust. Email us and we will set up a time to have a chat over “Google Meet”.


 It is natural to feel some apprehension in this time of great change but if you are struggling with anxiety please check out these ideas that might help “Coping with Anxiety and Stress During Uncertain Times”.


We have also started developing a TRAC Wellbeing Website which will have all sorts of great information and links to helpful articles and organisations. Check it out and have your say by suggesting things that could be helpful or that you would like to see on our website. Check out the new section on staying mentally healthy and make sure that you stay active and engaged socially as much as you can. 


 While many things are going to be difficult during this time, there are still some things that are going to be great and I want to encourage everyone to focus on the positive as much as possible. Look for the good that is happening and celebrate the unique opportunities that this situation presents. Enjoy time with family, the beautiful weather, time to slow down, music, a good book, a nice hot cup of tea… Life is full of wonder and times like these can help us to appreciate the simple things.


Wishing you all a wonderful Easter with your loved ones.

God Bless.







Michael Lance | College Counsellor