Student Academic Services


A reminder to all families with children in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 that NAPLAN tests will be held 15 May to 17 May.

Year 3 and 5 students are to follow the instruction of their teachers and Year 7 & 9 students must go promptly to the DPA at 8.45am. NAPLAN tests should be finished by recess.

Students need to ensure that they bring 2B pencils and sharpener. Year 7 & 9 students need to bring a working calculator on Thursday 17 May as well as blue/black pens for the writing task.

Students who miss the tests between 15 to 17 May will need to sit catch-up tests on Friday. No mobile phones or smart watches that can access the internet will be allowed in the testing rooms.

For more information please refer to the letter sent 12 March 2018 or get in touch with me.

Yooie Choi

Head of Student Academic Services