National Science Week

National Science Week is held each year between 14-22 August. This year’s theme is ‘Food: Different by Design.’ It focuses on sustainable food futures. Every day we must eat, food is our fuel for life. When we consider how to eat, we also need to think about why we need to eat well.


Windang Public School received a grant from the Australian Science Teacher’s Association to help celebrate National Science Week, but due to the current lockdown, we were able to celebrate in a different way.


Each student was provided with a planting kit containing a pot, seeds and soil to plant their own food and watch it grow. 


As part of our celebration day on Wednesday 18 August, students participated in a range of activities including building their own farm, decorating their pots, looking at how food travels from paddock to plate and investigating different foods such as apples, mince, bread, pizza, salad and dairy.




It was so lovely to see our students completing a range of science-based activities, learning about food. We are so impressed with everyone's hands-on creations and the way the pots have been decorated, ready to grow some surprise foods!