From the Principal's Desk

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Dear Parents and Carers


First, a big thank you to every family for your efforts to support learning from home for your children. We acknowledge the experience for every family will be different. The connection between the school, teacher, you and our students is vital to ensure that everyone feels supported. Even in a learning from home environment these connections can have a profound impact on the learning that continues to take place.


The department is working very closely with NSW Health as the restrictions and the stay at home orders change. The clear messaging from Health, at this current time, is that families should be keeping children at home unless it is absolutely necessary they need to attend school.


We understand the pressures of parents both supervising learning from home as well as completing their own work. Parents are the best judge of what is appropriate for your child to be doing at home. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me or your child’s teacher if you need further guidance or something is not working for you.


Last Friday, the NSW Government announced our COVID-safe return-to-school plan. It is the certainty we needed to guide our efforts from now until the end of the year. The plan promotes a staggered return to school for students as long as community transmission and vaccination rate requirements have been met. The dates are:

25 October      - Term 4, Week 4 - Kindergarten & Yr 1 

01 November -  Term 4, Week 5 - Year 2 & 6

08 November -  Term 4, Week 6 - Year 3, 4 & 5.

There are 11 weeks in Term 4.


SASS Staff Recognition Week

Next week is School Administrative and Support (SAS) Staff Recognition Week, a time to celebrate and say thank you to Judi, Tracy & Peter for their relentless work for our students, staff and community. 


Judi, Tracy and Peter are the backbone to our school always going above and beyond to support our students, staff and families. Judi & Tracy are also the first people you usually speak to when you contact our school. They are committed, motivated and caring always providing extra TLC when helping or caring for our students. If you get the opportunity to speak to speak to Judi, Tracy or Peter next week please don’t forget to say “Happy SAS Staff Recognition Week”!


FREE Webinars for Parents 

The "Free Parent Webinars" section within this newsletter includes information associated to various webinars being delivered by highly regarded psychologists, authors, broadcasters and specialist in parenting,  to assist families in developing their repertoire of skills in dealing with lock-downs and remote learning.  


“Regardless of how long it will take, this pandemic will end. Everyone is being impacted, inconvenienced, challenged, has lost something of value and had their lives shaken to the core.” (Maggie Dent)



Take care and stay safe

Mrs Kocovska
