

Vocabulary is the highest predictor of reading comprehension and an important part of understanding what has been read. Young children require lots of words but as children grow they benefit from hearing a more sophisticated vocabulary that is supplemented with lots of explanations. Please see below some suggestions to assist with vocabulary development.


When introducing new words to your child:

● Provide a child-friendly definition: “pleasant means that something is really nice.” 

● Provide a child-friendly example that makes sense within their daily life: “Remember when we went to the park and had a nice time? That was a pleasant time!” 

● Encourage your child to give their own example: “What pleasant thing can you think of? Can you think of something pleasant you did today?

● Over the following days and weeks, use each new vocabulary word in a conversation. consider playing Thesaurus Thermometer


Adapted from


Lauren Maidment

Literacy & Maths Leader