Community Information

Josie Colangelo

Student Attendance

Can you please contact the front office by 9:15am if your child/ren will be absent from school.


Family Holiday

If you are going on a family holiday during school term please notify the school in advance (2 weeks) by phone, email or in person


School Contact details

Phone:  8262 3812




Please provide your child/ren with a spoon or fork if they are given a yoghurt, custard, rice, pasta or any other food that requires cutlery  for recess or lunch.  It is not up to the school to provide spoons or forks to the students.



Can you please label your child/ren school  jacket , hat and water bottle  so they can be returned to them if they are misplaced at school.


School Hats

As we are approaching the warmer weather a reminder that students must wear their school hat .  They can be purchased from the front school for $15.00


Unwanted Uniforms

If your child has outgrown their uniform  or leaving our school please consider donating their uniform (only the new uniform) to our second hand uniform shop located in the front office.