Principal's message 

To our Fitzroy Primary School community. We would like to take this opportunity to express our solidarity with and care for our students and families of Afghan background and to their loved ones still in Afghanistan. We want you all to know that we are here, we see what you are going through. We are so glad that you are here in our community and we want to offer our support to you and your families. We will be reaching out to families and please contact us if we can help.


Remote and flexible learning continues

Throughout the week classroom and specialist teachers have worked incredibly hard to engage and support students and ensure the continuity of their learning. This week in particular has been very challenging for some students and parents who have experienced a range of intense emotions in response to the ongoing lockdown and events across the world. As a school, we are here to support the health and wellbeing of all members of our community. I extend my sincere gratitude to staff and parents who are working together and in turn, helping children to make sense of it all in order to be as resilient as possible in the face of such adversity. 

Click here for more information about supporting your child’s health and wellbeing which ties in with the school`s Respectful Relationships program. 

I also recommend downloading a copy of the PDF for future reference.


Art show postponed

In consultation with Leah and the Community Engagement and Fundraising subcommittee, we have made a difficult decision to postpone the Art show. Given that it was scheduled to be held on Wednesday 8th September, it is simply not enough time to plan and prepare after (hopefully) returning to onsite learning on Friday 3rd September. With a school performance planned for the end of the year we are considering a festival of the arts by combining performing and visual arts to showcase our students’ talents across both subjects. Thank you to those parents who volunteered to help – we will certainly be putting out another request when another date has been set. 


Keeping our children safe online

Now that children have full access to devices and the internet I remind parents of how important it is that children across all year levels are supervised when online. It is recommended that students only use devices in the presence of an adult who can ensure that students are only accessing child safe websites as recommended by the school. Compass, Webex, Mathletics and Reading Eggs are routinely used by the school. I caution the use of YouTube, unless directed by the teacher to watch specific videos for educational purposes. Children have also been briefed on the appropriate uses of Webex when attending online classes, including the use of the chat function. You may notice that teachers are locking meetings to ensure that only children from the grade or designated group are in attendance. For more information about staying safe online I recommend looking at the eSafety Commissioner website at


Capital works project update

This week has been especially busy with the architects, VSBA, City of Yarra and the Department of Transport. We have been working together to complete the schematic design phase of the project which includes a costing plan that is currently being finalised. The architects, VSBA and I have met with representatives from the City of Yarra and Department of Transport to discuss an upgrade to the crossing on Napier St, with works commencing in September and lasting for 10-12 weeks. The upgrade is part of the Preston to CBD project. Click here for more information on the VicRoads website and see the attached flyer.   




Angela Richmond


Fitzroy Primary School