Principal's News

(Photo - FY - We are Strong!)

I would like an abundance of peace.

I would like full vessels of charity.

I would like rich treasures of mercy.

I would like cheeerfulness to preside over all.

St Brigid of Kildare

Dear Families


Just what the Dr ordered - a virtual disco to lift our spirits in this ongoing lockdown. It was so lovely to see lights flashing, disco dresses and streamers decorating the rooms of our families. We had an amazing turnout for both discos. I think the staff enjoyed it just as much as the children. Thank you for getting your children online for this special event.


Please make sure you are all looking after yourselves - if you need a day away from the screen, a family day, or just a mental health day please email your classroom teacher or myself to let us know. This lockdown seems to have been a bit harder than the others.



I would like to say thank you for the emails, phone calls and treats that have come our way. What a wonderful community we are!!! You should all be very proud of not only your children and their commitment to online learning, but also to yourselves for supporting and encouraging your children.


Confirmation and Camp have again been postponed. At this stage we have tentatively booked Confirmation for the last week of term. Camp has been rebooked for Term 4, and we are negotiating the dates at the moment. When we have more information we will let you know. 

Happy Birthday

We know that so many of you are having your Birthday's in lockdown.  Happy Birthday Emily.  Thank you for sending us this lovely photo of you enjoying your Disco Party for three!  It looks like your Mum and Dad made your birthday extra special and your cake looked delicious!

Yours in partnership,


Wendy Sullivan