Year 12

Year 12 Lock Down Kahoot!

During these crazy times, it is sometimes difficult to remember the positives and, that it is okay to have some fun! On Tuesday 10 August, all Year 12 students were invited to participate in our ‘Lockdown Kahoot!’. With many Year 12 students and Homeroom Teachers missing the small interactions of day-to-day life at school, the Kahoot! was organised to bring the year level together. It allowed us all to relax, have a few laughs and connect with one another. 


The night was full of laughs, music, a ‘Just Dance’ challenge to the song ‘Rasputin’, and of course, trivia questions. The trivia was fiercely competitive, with everyone trying their best to answer 2020 Tokyo Olympics questions for double points, music questions and riddles. It was a great opportunity to have a fun night with the year level.  Although the current circumstances have seen us being away from school on and off this year, the trivia night brought a sense of connectedness for all. 


Congratulations to Mr Chris Moore for the win and to Olivia West who battled for the top spot all night.

VTAC Presentation

Many thanks to all who are supporting our students during this time, particularly our Year 12 cohort. Your support is greatly appreciated and encourages our students to continue to be motivated and work towards their ‘Why?’. Their ‘Why?’ has been investigated as part of the ‘Inspire’ theme this term.

In our most recent Pastoral Period, and whilst we could not be onsite, Mrs Laura Lunardi (Careers Coordinator) ran a presentation via Microsoft Teams to the Year 12 students about the VTAC process, key dates and important information to consider. It revolved around the theme of ‘Inspire’ and students are now finalising their potential course choices before heading into Term 4. 


Students have been emailed the PowerPoint that Laura presented, and it is a great reference point for any questions regarding this process moving forward. Students are encouraged to explore the many upcoming virtual open days that are being provided by tertiary institutions. 


Jaime Wallace

Level Leader: 

Year 12