
Well, here we are again, Lockdown 6.0. One of the positives of this, is that it is a great time for reading! Grab a book and sit in the sun or by the fireplace, read an old and comforting favourite; nothing like a good book to take you back to a happy time and place. Read aloud to your family; everyone loves hearing a good story, download an audiobook and go for a long walk while listening. There are so many ways to enjoy and celebrate literature and now you might just have the time to do it.


Next week is the 75th Children’s Book Councils' Book Week. We have postponed our celebrations of this event until Term 4, so hopefully we will be at the College to participate in many fun events and activities. The theme for Book Week this year is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’. The book of the year awards will be announced on Friday 20 August at 12.00pm. If you or your children would like to tune in, you can do so at


I will share the news of the winners with the students over the coming weeks. We have the ‘Younger Reader’ and ‘Older Reader’ category books in the Library which some of the students have read and reviewed, so we look forward to hearing the winners.

‘Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.’ - Mason Cooley
‘Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.’ - Mason Cooley


On Tuesday night, we held our Parent Book Club online. It was lovely to catch up and hear what people are reading and to share our thoughts on some popular books that the students are enjoying now. It is never too late to join our group. If you are interested, please contact Yvonne Langford at


Happy Reading!

The Library Team