P&F News

Hi RHPS community,

It's a very quick update from us this week as everything is on pause at the moment. 

Read about some P&F updates below.

Father's Day Stall....

The Father's Day gifts have been ordered.  We are just waiting to see what the stall will look like this year. If we are able to hold it in school then fantastic. If we are not, then we will go online again.  Stay tuned, we'll keep you updated.

School Rewards.... PAUSED again...

To ensure the School Rewards Competition is run fairly for all schools, the Chirnside Park Shopping Centre management have made the decision to pause the competition again, commencing from midnight Sunday the 8th August.


The competition will most likely be reinstated once the lockdown ends and the travel restrictions ease.  We will keep you updated.

Trivia Night updates.... 

Trivia Night is still on pause also.  The event has been postponed which is hugely disappointing as so much work has gone into the event and we know how excited the community is, however, we will find a way later in the year.


Keep hold of your tickets for the moment as the Trivia Night will be rescheduled.  We will communicate the new date ASAP. We are hoping for later this term. 


We thank you for your amazing support of our event. 


Thank you so much to our school families who have offered donations for prizes, we really are a lucky school!


We are still looking for a suitable date to reschedule the disco. We will communicate this with you ASAP. 

How to contact the P&F committee? 

You can contact Melissa in the office who will put you in contact with Jacinta. 

Or, you can email the P&F directly at: pf.rhps.3138@gmail.com


Chat soon,

Jacinta, Chelsie and the P&F team