School News 

Prep News

To say how proud we are of our Prep students is an understatement!  The Prep students have continued to show great determination and perseverance in continuing their learning.  It is fantastic to see so many faces logging onto zoom each session, students completing their learning tasks, and checking in for wellbeing fun!  We were lucky to have some time back at school before the current lockdown and the students transitioned seamlessly back into routines understanding the lesson delivery of Reading, Writing, and Maths – their time on the zoom mini-lessons definitely help this!  Thank you for all of your continued dedication and support and hopefully, we will see you all back at school very soon.  

 We miss you all!  From The Prep Team

Kind regards, 

Alarna Creed, Ellie Stait, Hayley Peirce and Claire Cripps


Level 1/2 News

The Grade 1/2 team continues to be amazed by the way students have once again transitioned to the routine of remote learning. We sincerely thank all families for their wonderful, continued support. This has enabled us to continue to teach our planned curriculum, with only some slight modifications. This term our learning tasks will include fairytales, character traits and money. The work the students have completed so far this week about these topics has been really pleasing to see. So many examples of pride and personal best work have been shared with us. We are so impressed! Please have a look at some examples in the photo gallery.


During the lockdown, we hope all families are finding time to rest, relax and enjoy some quality time together. Remember, if you need any support with your child’s home learning, we are just an email or Zoom message away.


We hope that we are not in lockdown for much longer, we love seeing the children’s bright, smiling faces on Zoom but we enjoy the face-to-face classroom interactions even more. Have a great weekend!


Kind Regards,

The Level 1/2 Team

Kayla Hartrick, Daena Hailey, Ben Pedley,

Llinos Poole and Tim Wilson

Level 3/4 News

Well, here we are again, seeing each other’s smiling faces through Zoom each day!  We’ve been so impressed by the 3/4 students who have shown flexibility and enthusiasm, all while maintaining a great sense of humor as we have moved from remote to onsite and now to remote learning again. Your teachers are very proud of you!


Before we went into Lockdown #6, a number of students challenged themselves in the Australian Maths Competition. Our mathematicians had one hour to complete 30 questions in the online competition. Well done to everyone involved for demonstrating their Personal Best!

We’ve also been relishing our Inquiry unit 'Forces and Functions' with plenty of hands-on experiments being conducted both at school and at home.  During Lockdown #5 students were challenged to create a paper plane that could fly the furthest and upon return to school, we held an afternoon, whole level event testing whose plane could fly the greatest distance. Conditions were a little windy on the day, impacting our planes but congratulations to Ryder who took out the top prize!!



A highlight of remote learning this time around has been our Potato Olympics unit! Students have incorporated a number of learning areas as we’ve designed, created, measured, weighed, raced and written about our potato athletes. 

Thanks to all students who have been sending in work to their teacher on Seesaw.  Being able to see your work and give feedback while on remote learning is so beneficial for both students and teachers. Keep up the great work!


The Level 3/4 Team

Carolyn Allan, Teagan Cairns, Katie Smith, Damien Smith and Clare McCandlish


Level 5/6 News

Wow! What a busy couple of weeks we have had. Certainly, the highlight for us was CAMP! How lucky we were to fit it in between lockdowns. We had a tremendous two nights away with students participating in the following activities: low ropes, flying fox, archery, initiatives course, team rescue and the giant swing. Even the staff were excited to embrace the camp experience, having a go at the flying fox and giant swing. The Gaga pit and table tennis were popular activities during free time. 

We would again like to thank our students for their outstanding behavior, teamwork and commitment to giving everything a try whilst on camp. We are so proud of the way they displayed the school values and Tribes Agreements and really pushed themselves to their limit. Their collective efforts made camp a wonderful experience, not only for each other but for the staff as well! We would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs. Granger, Ms. Murcott, Mrs. Kilner, Mrs. Izzard and Mrs. Cornwall for giving up their time to join us on camp and for making our experiences even better. Thank you also to Mr. Bradley and Coco for coming to visit and dropping off some treats.


In the Classroom

In Literacy, we finished our unit on poetry. Students looked at an array of poetry, including ‘Slam poetry’ and ‘Blackout poetry’, and had a go at writing their own poems of choice. See below for a small sample of some of the incredible work our students have produced. In Maths, we re-visited fractions by looking at improper fractions, mixed numbers and equivalent fractions, and practiced adding and subtracting fractions. Our Inquiry into ‘The Journey of Discovery’ continues as students build their scientific language and knowledge through hands-on investigations and experiments. 


Covid Poem by Mikayla

Home-learning is the worst,

I feel like I’m going to burst,

Writing with Miss.T,

Maths with Mr. V,

My eyes are turning square,

I can’t go anywhere,

I wish we were back at school,

Unlike Billy, who says home learning is cool,

But that’s his opinion,

I feel like a minion,

When is this torture going to end?

I haven’t been able to see any of my friends,

My last year of primary school,

This is too far, you’re breaking the rules,

At least I have something to do,

Cheer on the Aussies, Woo Hoo,

I’m bored out of my head,

Just lying on my bed,

I’m sick of hearing cases go up,

Something to distract me, like a new pup,

Press conferences every day,

Please Covid, get out of my way,

You’ve ruined what I had planned,

Everything even my Birthday, canned,

Please Covid, GO AWAY!

Go somewhere where you can stay,

Why did this disaster have to come along?

I’ve heard about a million covid songs,

Why now, why never,

I wish I didn’t have to meet you ever,

I’m scared it’s going to get even worse,

I swear this is all just a big scary curse,

I’m asking you, why come here,

I wish you would just disappear!

I think its time for you to go,

The boat is over there, just row, row, row,

I wish you would just get out of my head,

Yay! We can go back to school like the Prime Minister said,

Fingers crossed there’s not a 6.0,

There’s nowhere else for me to go,

Please Covid, listen to me,

This is your last opportunity,

I did not invite you here to Australia,

This has just turned into one big failure!


                     Slam Poetry by Charley

The Level 5/6 Team

Mykaela Hodgett, Mel Layton, Elyce Munnecke, Emily Rapson, Sam Tallentyre & Brendan Van Haaster