Senior School News

A couple of reminders:

  • Our attendance policy requires a minimum attendance of 95%. If you are absent, or your child is absent, you must provide a medical certificate the day upon returning. In order to be successful in your studies, you must be at school every day - every day counts.
  • Subject Changes for Semester 2 have now closed. Thank you to all those students who submitted forms and sought feedback from teachers. New timetables will be distributed at the end of term. To confirm your changes, please look at the notice board outside the Senior School Office.
  • 2018 VCE Examination Timetable is now available. The link is below which contains the VCAA rules for conduct, as well as the timetable. Please ensure you read over this.

VCE Information Evening 2019

The VCE Parent Information  Evening for 2019 is being held on Wednesday 18th July (week 1, term 3) from 4:30pm-5:30pm in the library. It is compulsory for students wishing to undertake an enhancement subject in 2019 to attend with parents/guardians. VCE teachers will be present in order to discuss the variety of subjects so please ensure you come prepared with any questions you may have.  An invitation to the VCE parent information evening will be sent via XUNO.

Transition Dates for 2019

It  is important to review the transition dates for 2019. Students are expected to attend transition right up until the last day. For students studying Units 1-4, important information is distributed and the courses for 2019 will begin. Holiday homework will be distributed during this time.


  • Year 11 and Year 12, 2019: Thursday 29th November - Thursday 6th December
  • Year 10, 2019: Thursday 29th November - Friday 14th December

Year 10 News

Thanks to all students who represented Glen Eira College at interschool sports. A special mention to the to the Year 10 boys soccer team who proceed to the next round and a very special thank you to Zoe Markopoulos who coached and managed the junior girls softball team.

Thanks to all Year 10 peer support leaders. Your weekly involvement with the Year 7s is much appreciated and your contribution to Glen Eira’s community is peerless.


The Year 10s are also preparing for work experience in the final week of term. I look forward to catching up with a number of Year 10s at their chosen place of work and wish all of them the best of luck.


Aside from interschool sports and work experience, the Year 10s will also be preparing for their exams. They should be revising, filling out mock exams under time conditions and seeking feedback from their teachers. I wish them all the very best. Additionally, should any Year 10 student need assistance in developing a study plan or help with exam preparation, please come to the Senior School office and see me for advice.

Youth Forum Excursion

Antoine and I were lucky enough to have the honour of representing our school at the inaugural Victorian Youth Forum at the State Library. In the beautiful venue, we were given the chance to voice our opinions and give feedback on our city and region.

We were first split into tables where we met students from other schools and played a game of Government Bingo, in which we learned which responsibilities and duties were those of the local, state and federal government. We then went into our separate regions. Glen Eira is in the south-east region, so we were able to suggest improvements and give feedback about the things we were frustrated about and the things we loved. After lunch, we went back into our regions and discussed our priorities concerning the youth for 2018, and shared them with the other regions at the end.


Antoine and I were so lucky to have this experience and I’m so excited to see what the government does with our feedback.


Mikki Clemans

Year 10

Year 11 News

Congratulations to the following students who came top 10 at the Beachside Cross Country competition to qualify to go to the Southern Metro Regional final on Monday 18th June.

Dean Linardakis 11C

Oscar Bolt 11C

Hayato Serag 11D

Nicholas Silka 11D


Students’ exam preparation should be well underway now.  Revising over notes, creating summaries, reading text notes, etc. is crucial to understanding the content of each subject to then have the knowledge to apply to exams.  I wish all Year 11 students success for their mid year exams and if anyone needs assistance with exam preparation, please do not hesitate to see me.

Year 12 News

On Wednesday 13th June all students completing at least one Year 12 subject completed the General Achievement Test (GAT).  The following is information taken from the GAT pamphlet that was given to each student weeks before the GAT.  It stipulates what the GAT is and why it is important.


What is the GAT?

The GAT is a three-hour test of your general knowledge and skills in:

  • Written communication
  • Mathematics, science and technology
  • Humanities, the arts and social sciences

Why do you have to do the GAT?

The GAT is an essential part of the VCE assessment process.

While it is important that you attempt the GAT, the test does not count directly towards your VCE.  However GAT results may play a very important part in determining your final assessments for the VCE.


GAT results are used to check that your VCE external assessments and School-based Assessments have been accurately assessed.

The GAT is used in these checks because its results are a good predictor of final VCE studies.  If a student has done well on the GAT, they are likely to do well in their School-based Assessments and external assessments.


The Year 12 Executive have been working tirelessly to finalise arrangements for the Year 12 Formal, which is on Thursday 21st June at Quat Quatta.  It is a big event for them organise and I would like to thank them for all of their organisational efforts to ensure that the night is going to be a huge success: Morgan Edwards, Ashley Szmerling, Berenice Mickelburough, Boris Pribil, Jack Aaronfeld, Kali Appleby, Nicholas Brooks, Jia Jia Chow-Phillips, Andriane Demetriou, Eli Douek, Elouise Krelle, Ariella Karavanny, Sam McFarland, Barney Miller, Anna Rowsell, Eliza Sharpe and Ari Verrios.


 I would also like to thank Steven Miller who is the father of Barney, Eliza and Claudia who printed the formal invitations.

Upcoming Important Dates:

  • Year 10 Exams: Monday 18th June - Wednesday 20th June
  • Year 11 Study Day: Monday 18th June
  • Year 11 Exams: Tuesday 19th - Thursday 21st June
  • Year 9B Exams: Monday 18th - Tuesday 19th June
  • Year 12 Formal: Thursday 21st June
  • Year 10 Work Experience: Monday 25th - Friday 29th June


Senior School Team:

Senior School Leader: Keira McLean

Year 10 Coordinator: Brenton Hale

Year 11 Coordinator: Mary Maniatis

Year 12 Coordinator: Laura Brancatella

Careers & Pathways Coordinator: Carol McCaskie

International Student Coordinator: Tara Fang

Senior School Assistant: Monique Leftley