
Community Liturgy

Thank you to students and teachers from Year 8 who prepared our beautiful liturgy this morning. This morning we also recognised our Secondary Altar Servers who are rostered to assist at the Community Masses each week.  Our Community Masses are enriched by the commitment of these students as well as their parents.  

Community Liturgy will resume Friday 18 October. It will be prepared by Year 7 students.


Community Liturgy summary

  • Where:                 College Chapel
  • Time:                     8:00am – 8:30 am
  • When:                   every Friday in term time

Sacrament Program

Congratulations to students and their families who have celebrated the sacraments in their parishes in recent weeks.


Year 4 student, Clare Stout, made her First Communion at St Patrick’s Basilica in Fremantle.


The following Year 3 students celebrated their First Reconciliation at St Joseph’s in Subiaco: 

  • Hudson Grabham
  • Nicholas Maroni
  • Matilda Martin
  • Olivia Pronk
  • Alessio Torre
  • Cooper Tout

GOOD NEWS for Season of Creation*

This week’s reflection, from Father Andrew Hamilton SJ, is a reflection on the prayer intention of Pope Francis for the month of September.  The Pope’s intention is “that politicians, scientists and economists work together to protect the world's seas and oceans”.  See short video here:


Father Andy is a Jesuit, a theologian, a writer and, among his many other roles, the Media Officer for Jesuit Social Services.


Pope Francis consistently invites us to look beyond ourselves, our narrow interests and convenience to look at our relationships to other people and our world. We then move away from exploiting people and things for our own benefit and begin to ask how we can serve the common good.  We become responsible, aware of the costs of acting irresponsibly.


In Australia we are experiencing the costs of inattention through the crisis in handling rubbish. For long we threw it in the bin; councils hired people to take it to dumps; dump owners exported it to poorer nations who bore with its toxic effects. Now other nations refuse to accept it and we face the costs of our profligate packaging, premature replacing, non-composting and other behaviour that fill garbage trucks and pollute our environment.


Pope Francis asks us to pray this month for the care of the oceans. He attributes their need for care to inattentive relationships, and he believes that their protection will depend on the cooperation of politicians, scientists and economists. And ultimately, of course, on ourselves for educating the scientists, checking the economists and electing the politicians.


We can neglect the oceans because they are so great that we do not notice their limits. At first sight they may seem to form a splendid rubbish dump. The tide comes in to collect what is on the beach and takes it out to places out of sight and out of mind. Our sewerage, our plastic bags and factory effluents and mining tailings can wash down drains, find their way into streams and bays, and finally be magically taken away by our friendly oceans. And of course where better for ships to dump their rubbish and wash out their tanks?


Now, however, it is clear that the pollution of streams affects the spawning grounds of fish in many places and so the future supply of fish. The build-up of plastic disposed of in the sea also affects marine life.


We can see in the oceans, too, a never-ending source of food. They provide fish and once provided employment for fishermen who live around our coasts. Now the harvesting of food has become more sophisticated and conducted by large fleets with factory vessels, affecting the small- scale fishing in developing nations and threatening many species of fish.


Oceans have also been seen as Mr Reliable by householders. Each day they roll on to our shores and retreat, providing recreation, housing and employment at seaside suburbs and settlements. As the effects of global warming are felt more widely, however, seas will rise to threaten beaches, houses and roads around the world, and with them the insurance companies on which builders and buyers rely.


Those are some of the crises affecting the oceans. Pope Francis prays that politicians, scientists and economists will work together to support them. These groups of people have a central place in the networks of relationships on which the oceans depend. Scientists are in the best position to identify what is happening to the oceans. Economists can estimate the financial benefit that the oceans bring to human beings around the world, the costs of pollution and of exploitation of the oceans and the resources saved by quick action. Politicians can publicise and endorse the results of research, and ensure that those who have polluted the oceans, melted the ice, used the seas as rubbish bins and exhausted the stocks of fish are prevented from continuing to do so.


To serve us sustainably oceans need our attention, our respect and our cooperation.


© Andrew Hamilton


*The Church Season of Creation is a time for Christians to especially offer thanks and intercession on behalf of the earth and the poor of the earth, remembering that God’s grace is active in Creation.