Education in Faith

Parish Masses
Next week our Year Ones and Twos will be attending Parish Mass at 12 Midday, at Ss. Peter and Paul on Tuesday 23rd October. If any parents are available to attend Mass with the students, we would love to see you over at Church.
The Year Threes and Fours will be attending Parish Mass at 12 noon, at Ss. Peter and Paul on Tuesday the 13th of November.
The Year Fives and Sixes and Fours will be attending Parish Mass at 12 noon, at Ss. Peter and Paul on Thursday the 15th of November.
As the Year 6 students prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, they have been focusing on the story of Pentecost and how it links to the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The feast of Pentecost is about God’s presence with us. In the story of Pentecost, in the Acts of the Apostles, the disciples experienced the Holy Spirit entering into each one of them and then drawing them together. During the Sacrament of Confirmation, the candidates will be sealed with the Holy Spirit, strengthened for service and invited to, and equip for, witness to Christ.
For some years Archbishop Denis Hart has given a Pentecost message to the young people of the Archdiocese of Melbourne. This year his Pentecost message to Youth is about Opening New Horizons for the Spreading of Joy.
This is the YouTube link:
In this message he states:
What is this dream of Jesus which fills our hearts with joy?
It is a different way of living, a different way of looking at the world and a different reason to exist. At the centre of it all, whenever Jesus preached, it was about one thing: “The Kingdom of Heaven is near.”
What is the Kingdom of Heaven?
It is a world of people defined by love for each other, life to the full, wonder and care for the earth and universe, filled with creativity and beauty.
It is a people of grace, hope, and joy, who love life and share it with others, who live larger than themselves, who have big dreams, big purpose, and big respect for the dignity of every person from the ‘womb to the tomb’.
It is a community of people of prayer and humility, of compassion and great wisdom, where all give of themselves and are willing to make the sacrifice of love.
The Kingdom of Heaven is a world where peace reigns; where all the brokenness has been turned into unspeakable beauty.
Of course, the Kingdom of Heaven can never be finally achieved in our lives. But Pentecost challenges us to trust God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit’s plans and love for us are beyond our wildest dreams.
We can all help make the dream of God’s Kingdom come true with the way we live.
As the Year 6 students prepare to be sealed with the Holy Spirit, we encourage them to seek first the Kingdom of God so as to experience true joy in their lives as they enter into a new phase of their lives.
Sacrament of Confirmation Dates and Times
Friday 9th October-OLMC Confirmation Mass-7pm
Wednesday November 21st- St. Peter and Paul’s-6pm