Pastoral Care News

This week students and staff alike have continued to demonstrate kindness to others within our community who are less fortunate by actively supporting and donating to our current fundraising activities. A large quantity of quality fiction and nonfiction books have been donated as part of our “Book Week” acknowledgment. The items will be given to local services and distributed as per need.

Plastic lids are still being collected as part of the “Lids for Kids” campaign.


Thank you also to the students and staff who have already donated to our “Pyramids for Puppies” campaign which is supporting NEEDY PAWS and the amazing work they do within our community rehoming unwanted dogs and puppies. During the last financial year this non for-profit service, which relies solely on volunteers, rehomed 75 dogs and had a vet bill in excess of $25,000. All of this is only achieved thanks to 6 wonderful carers and support from the community.


During the remainder of the term, we will continue to collect donations, host a sausage sizzle/ cake stall and raffle plush toy puppies in the hope that we can raise some funds which will assist in some way. We will continue to promote the slogan of “Adopt don’t Shop”, reminding people of the importance of avoiding unwanted litters and hopefully encourage additional support from families within our school community to support this fantastic cause.


R U OK Day!

Next Friday, 6th Sept the Year 11 Wellbeing Committee will be hosting a workshop for all year 10 students during period 2 as well as holding a sausage sizzle /cake stall during lunchtime as part of their “R U OK DAY?” activities. MCC is a strong advocate for supporting such days and continues to work hard to reduce the stigma associated with poor mental health. The benefits the students get from taking in part in such activities is that they will increase their knowledge regarding mental health, develop appropriate communication skills and have a better understanding of what to do if they have concerns regarding someone’s emotional wellbeing.


“R U OK? Day” officially acknowledged on September 12; is a national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone to ask, “Are you OK?” and to remember every day of the year to support people who may be struggling with life's ups and downs.

Their vision is a world where we're all connected and are protected from suicide.

Their mission is to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them and support anyone struggling with life.

The organisation promotes a 4 step approach to supporting the needs of others.


Additional activities will be conducted with years 8, 9 and 10 during period 5 and futher details will be provided in home rooms the days prior.

The group will also volunteer at Peeches on the national acknowledgement day to assit with table service etc as part of their commitment to our local community. Please feel free to bring some friends to the breakfast and support this great cause.

Finally, I hope that you all get to spend some quality time with your family this Sunday celebrating

Father’s Day. Special thoughts are with those who’s Dad’s are no longer with us here but are cherised dearly in your heart and live forever more within your memories.

Kindest regards

Sue Hone (Pastoral Care Worker)