College News

Daffodil Day 

Last Friday the 23rd of August, 11 Marian College students gave up their time to roam the streets of Griffith for a good cause. The year 10 students were selling bunches of daffodils and daffodil merchandise to raise much needed funds and awareness of the cancer council. The students worked hard covering many streets of Griffith on the day and there help did not go unnoticed with their assistance greatly appreciated by the local members of the cancer council.

Liturgy News

This term we celebrated Year group masses as a different way of celebrating liturgies and sharing our faith. Our chaplain Father Paul celebrated these in the hall at various times during RE lessons. For each mass, students within the year assisted by reading, altar serving and providing music. A huge thank you to Mr Segrave for setting up the sound, Mr Rizzeri for his assistance in organising the music and students and staff who participated in the masses.

Belinda Aventi

Liturgy Coordinator

Stargazing at Marian! Again!

Once again, staff and students were treated to a wonderful display of constellations, planets and more at Marian Catholic College.

Astronomers from the Central West Astronomical Society made the trip from Parkes, bringing their telescopes and knowledge with them to share with our students, parents and anyone else who was interested.

Great views were had of Jupiter, Saturn and the Jewel Box constellation and most people took home some memorabilia from NASA and JPL, courtesy of One Giant Leap.

After a brief activity by Mr Marshall, attendees were also able to take home a scale model of the solar system, giving them an insight into just how much space there is in space.

All images are courtesy of Tim Anderson of the Central West Astronomical Society.