Director of Missions

❝ A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way .❞

— annonymous.

I am very grateful for the father figures I have had in my life and blessed by the love that they have shown. Happy Father’s Day to all who have or do the same to their family on Sunday.

Safe on Social

Marian Catholic College was visited by Kirra Pendergast the Director of Safe on Social Media Pty Ltd. on Tuesday the 20th of August. She spoke to Yr 9 and Yr 10 around social media best practice especially in regards to platforms such as facebook and Instagram. There were some chilling truths around the amount of information we willingly offer to strangers on the internet and the reality of what can occur with that information. What was highlighted for me was how easily people are leaving a digital footprint of themselves that can be used against them in some manner if you are not careful.

One of the many morals I obtained from the session with the students is the importance of communication around our activity on social media. It is important to know what you children are doing and what is most crucial is that they feel comfortable having a conversation around incidents that may occur online that make them feel uncomfortable or unsure.

Kira has been advising government and industry and now has turned her advice towards the youth in the education system to make them more aware of the dangers. She also highlighted some of the strengths and how to use technology for the better. I would strongly encourage you all to start a conversation around your child’s social media activity and what they have experienced already in this field. The website for Safe on Social is definitely worth a visit and the link is below.

Safe on Social Website

Mercy Sister Association Meeting

On Wednesday 21st of August Sr Theresa and Sr Tricia visited the College with members of the Mercy Association to hold one of their meetings in our chapel. Mrs Segrave, Mrs Aventi and myself were fortunate enough to attend the beautiful little liturgy and presentation of new members into the association. We were very grateful that they were able to host the event in the chapel and it is great to see one of our founding charisms alive and well in our school. Check out some of the photos of the ceremony below.


Marian Mission Work this term

As you have been informed before, this term is the Pyramids for Puppies focus for our charitable work in our homerooms. Our aim is to make communities that care and homerooms of compassion and kindness. Pyramids for Puppies is simply bringing in food for the many carers that work for Needy Paws. Every tin of dog food will count and the biggest pyramid created will win a pizza lunch from Griffith City Cinemas.


So please do not forget to bring in and give as much as you can and show that you care. It is always much appreciated and important that we are all apart of making a difference in our Marian community.

Youth Mass

Congratulations to all those who attended the Term 3 Youth Mass on Sunday hosted by Yr 10. It was a great turn out from students and staff and a beautiful mass. In particular it was pleasing to see the number of seniors in Yr 11 that attended. It is encouraged that we support our local parish as much as we can and the Youth Mass is a great way to do so. Thanks to everyone involved and also for the great morning tea afterwards! Next term it is Yr 7’s turn and I can’t wait to see what they come up with.

Up Coming Events

Up Coming Events

In the coming weeks there are several big days of celebration and awareness arriving. On Friday the 7th of September we will be celebrating R U Ok? Day at Marian which we will go into further detail next newsletter. This day will be run by our Yr 11 Wellbeing team. We also have the McAuley Feast day Tug of War competition held by our Colour house promoting our patron saints on the 13th of September. Look out on Facebook for promotions and celebrations of those two days.

As always, have a great weekend and remember to be in touch if you have any questions, queries or suggestions around how we can continue to enhance your Marian through Mission.


Kind Regards

Heath Neville

Director of Mission