Leader of Curriculum News

Year 11 2020

The senior executive are currently discussing the allocation of classes for year 11 2020. Once this is finalised, the lines will be generated based on the minimum clashes for students.

Current year 10 students will then have the opportunity to select their chosen courses on the available lines. If courses are not available due to small number of candidature, students will need to consider another preference or look at studying their chosen course though Open High School. This process will be finalised this term.

Students wishing to do in a TVET as a stand-alone course or with an SBAT will need to see Mrs Dickie to complete the paperwork and enrol this term.

Year 9 2020

Marian Catholic College will be hosting an Information Night for all interested parents and students on the transition from year 8 (stage 4) into year 9 (stage 5). The Information Night will be in the college hall on Tuesday 3 September at 6 pm.

On the night, I will be explaining the NESA requirements and process for selecting courses in stage 5. KLA Coordinators will also be present to help answer questions and inform students on elective courses on offer in year 9 2020.

All parents and students are welcome including potential new students considering enrolment at Marian in year 9 2020. I will look forward to seeing you there.

Year 8 students will then be further informed of the requirements and process during Academic Pastoral Care and the KLA coordinators will then spend period 2 informing students on the elective courses on offer on Wednesday 4th September.




Mr J Seers