Assistant Principals News

‘Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember.

Involve me and I learn.’

– Benjamin Franklin


At MCC we endeavour to involve not only our students in their learning, but also to involve all staff in their own Professional Learning.


We believe that agency and responsibility is where authentic learning is truly established and students and teachers can become lifelong learners.


I have been lucky enough to witness such wonderful learning on many of our recent Gr8 Learning Walks. As previously mentioned, these walks involve a small group of teachers discussing pedagogy and student engagement and then visiting four different classes, before reconvening for a post walk discussion to highlight the different ways that students are ‘involved’ and engaged in the lesson.


Recently we saw Year 7 Science students making tactile models of microorganisms, Year 8 Art students using a visual brainstorm to record and express their ideas, Year 10 Maths students engage in a practical group revision challenge and Year 7 PDHPE connect the learning in their theory lesson with relatable and practical life lessons.


In addition, we were lucky enough to witness teachers be willing to experiment with feedback by using different types of exit passes and tickets during their lessons. These exit passes are traditionally small questions/activities or opportunities for students to show their teacher where their knowledge is at for the topic and/or provide further direction for the teacher on what they want or need to know more about.


Following this, our staff engaged in practical professional learning activities around exit passes and student feedback. Staff were divided into three groups and rotated around a series of stations to make MCC exit cards, develop Google Classroom student reflections and create Google Survey student learning style reflections. All of these activities and strategies fit with our theme this year of having our teachers getting to better know their learners and personalise their instruction to meet the needs of their students.


I look forward to seeing some positive results and more engaging, authentic and powerful lessons.


Below you will also see MCC staff engaged in the Professional Development sessions around the Learning Collaborative. Once again, on Wednesday staff engaged with student data and how they can use this to inform and improve teaching practice. It was positive and productive and this will continue on throughout the year. 


Speaking of involving students in their learning - I again wish to stress the vital importance of the next 4 weeks for Year 12 students. Year 12 teachers spend countless hours marking, providing feedback and creating a specific and designated revision program ready for these final few weeks. Hence, it has been disappointing to see so many Year 12 students either absent from class or lacking motivation to learn. I urge students to make mature decisions about their learning and their future and for parents to have conversations with their children, to ensure that they do not waste the valuable opportunities on offer.


Finally, I would like to wish luck to teachers and students of HSC subjects that have a major project component. These projects will be externally marked next week starting with Drama on Monday and Industrial Technology Metal on Tuesday.

Yours in learning,


Damien Herb and Heath Neville

Co Assistant Principals