Maths News


The college started this year’s Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians on the first 3 weeks of Term 2. This is a problem-solving activity organized by the Australian Mathematics Trust which is aimed at the top 15% of students in their year level.


Students  received a problem booklet containing 6 problems. They were required to present written solutions to as many of these problems as they can. The problems were challenging and required time and persistence but were based on Mathematics which should be known at that level. Students work with a partner on all the 6 problems.

congratulate the following students on their efforts in attempting the Maths Challenge Stage problems. The fact that they participated indicates a desire to achieve. The problems were meant to be challenging, and for students to achieve and have a feeling of enjoyment and success, they needed to be committed.


It is not just about completely solving the problems; it is a matter of participating to the best of one’s ability and learning in the process.




Yingxin Li - Year 9 Distinction

Nicholas Bertollo - Year 9 Credit

Jayden Skirving – Year 9 Credit

Victoria Mcleod – year 9 Credit

Jhaanavi Karunapalan – year 8 Credit

Welcome Steve Hall

Our school is hosting a Final Year Masters Prac teacher in Mathematics. His name is Steven Hall from the University of Wollongong. He will be with us until September 27 of this term. As part of his practical, Steven is observing as many Mathematics classes, from Year 7-12, to see the various styles and strategies that Maths teachers use in teaching. This way, Steven is inducted into the nature, structure and organisation of Marian Catholic College and the work, roles and responsibilities of a teacher. At the same time, he is also teaching some Maths classes in order for him to develop his own individual teaching style. He plans, implements and assesses unit of work and lessons designed to maximise student engagement and learning. He is also involved in reviewing data and evidence about student learning, implementing both formative and summative assessment and providing feedback to students.


Mrs Blanco

Maths Co-ordinator