Principal News

Dear Parents, Carers, Students and Friends,


As we enter into the second half of the term Marian continues to be a hive of activity, demonstrating commitment to living our Mission of faith, care, service, learning and stewardship.  


On Sunday we celebrated our third Youth Mass, hosted by Year 10, it was a beautiful service that demonstrated both our staff and students commitment to their faith. This was further demonstrated through the celebration of year group masses over the past few weeks that again allowed our students to join together in prayer.  We thank Father Paul and Father Calma for their beautiful services with our students. I also thank Mrs Aventi, Mr Mathew Segrave, Mr Sam Rizzerri, Mr Heath Neville, Ms Sarah Covel and Mr Jonathon Morris for their organisation and musical contributions to the services.


Our Year 12 students have successfully completed their Trial Exam Period which was conducted over the past two weeks. The examinations are rigorous and aim to mimic the papers and processes of the HSC as authentic ‘rehearsal’ for the main event. Assessments will wind up in the coming weeks and HSC practical exams commence at the end of this month.


Science Week at Marian Catholic College has yet again been a successful adventure. A successful Stargazing event was hosted last weekend, with three members of the Central West Astronomical society presenting some astrophotography tips and Tricks. I wish to thank Dr Eli Marshall for organising and hosting the event and Mrs Esther Dumbleton, our Leader of Learning – Science and our passionate and dedicated Science Teachers for providing our students with authentic, engaging and enjoyable activities that exposed them to the wonder and awe of the Science field.


Last week we also celebrated Book Week. This event was lead by our fantastic library staff and embraced by staff and students alike as various activities took place both within and outside the classroom. Highlights revolved around Year 7 visiting Griffith City Library to listened to a presentation by author Jeremy Lachlan and the staff dressing up and embracing this years theme ‘What is your Super Power?’

The students at Marian continue to excel in sport. This is evident from the many different sporting teams taking part in various competitions.  Congratulations to the girls that attended the Brumbies High School Rugby 7’s who made it through to the semi finals, as well as the boys teams that attended the James Stannard Shield Rugby Competition.  They played strong games that saw our Yr 7, Year 8 and Year 9 boys team making it into the Grand Final. All teams played exceptionally well and were a credit to the School both on and off the sporting fields. Thank you to Mr James Moore, Mr Barry Le Cornu and Mrs Nadine Johns for coaching these teams.

The annual Ski Trip was an enjoyable experience for the students that embrace this opportunity. The snow was in fantastic condition and allowed our students to take advantage of their ski lessons over the course of the four-day adventure.  I wish to thank Mr Mathew Segrave, Miss Laura Vardanega and Mr Aaron Lawler for their time away from their families to provide this experience for our students.


We encourage all Year 8 students and parents to attend our College Information Session next Tuesday evening regarding the Elective Stage 5 Subjects that the College will be offering for 2020.   The event, in the Marcellin Hall, commencing at 6pm will be lead by our Leader of Curriculum Mr John Seers and the Year 8 Pastoral Coordinator Mrs Lisa Davis.


To finish, I wish to highlight the fantastic role our Year 11 WellBeing Committee is currently playing within our College.  This group strives to provide information and experiences to our students in order to de-stigmatise mental health issues. Next week they will be hosting our RU OK? Day event which will once again to all students the difference a conversation can make. Congratulations to the Year 11 students involved with this compassionate and caring endeavour.

Best wishes for an enjoyable and safe weekend.

Mrs Lora Segrave

Acting Principal