Welcome to 2020.  TAFE students will be attending their first day of TVET classes next week. This year we have a wide variety of subjects selected by the students; construction, beauty, salon assistant, early childhood, human services, electrotechnology and accounts admin(online course). Students are to meet in front of ‘A block’ located at the front of both Leeton and Griffith TAFE campus. Please note below as some courses run at different times: 


WHEN: Thursday 13th February

TIME: 1pm- 5pm  (beauty, construction, human services)

9am- 5pm (early childhood)

9am-3.30pm (salon assistant) 

What to bring: Pens, Book, Hat (incase of outdoor learning spaces)

What to wear: Covered shoes, casual clothes 


TAFE teachers will inform students of TAFE rules, regulations. Please note students will need to organise transport to and from TAFE. Students are to inform their TAFE teacher and MCC if they are absent on TAFE days, as they are compulsory lessons. 


Please note: electrotechnology will be commencing on Wednesday 12th February 9am-5pm at TAFE Leeton campus.


And finally, have fun! I have sent additional maps and information to the students- If there are any questions please let me know.


Ms Lucia Dickie 

VET Coordinator 

Marian Catholic College