2020 High Achievers Assembly

The first students we would like to acknowledge are the distinguished achievers. These students received a Band 6 in one or more subjects. 

Navdeep Birring Singh - Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics 2unit

As Navdeep has moved to Melbourne, unfortunately, could not be present, Mrs Centofanti accepted this award on his behalf

Joeita Banerji - Advanced English and Studies of Religion 1 unit

Talissa Cerato - Italian Beginners  and Studies of Religion 2 unit

Daniella Gullotta - Chemistry and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education

Kate Vacarri - Ancient History

Georgia Bourke  - Design and Technology - Georgia's brother Connor accepted the award on her behalf.

We would now like to acknowledge the students who have achieved an ATAR of over 90. Achieving an ATAR of 90 plus places these students in the top 10 percent of all the students in NSW and it is a great accomplishment. 

Navdeep Singh Birring - 95.35

Joeita Banerji - 93.75

Talissa Cerato - 92.8

Daniella Gullotta - 92.7

Congratulations to each and every one of these students, you are to be commended for your hard work and dedication.

 Marian Catholic College Dux for 2019 is Navdeep Birring Singh.  Congratulations Navdeep on behalf of the Marian School community.