Principal News

Marian Catholic College School Prayer

Jesus, Good Shepherd,

Teach us through your Spirit

to walk your way of light,

to live your way of truth

and in all things

to act with love and compassion.

Help us to come to the Father

by knowing you, loving you

and serving you in each other.

May our school be a place

of wonder, learning and peace

where the lessons of today

prepare us for the challenges of tomorrow.

May your Mother, Mary,

guide our footsteps

as she guided yours.

This prayer we make in faith.


Dear Parents, Students and Friends

Welcome to the 2020 school year. I trust that the break has rejuvenated and energised you, hopeful for a successful new year. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless our school and all those who contribute to fulfilling God’s promise of “The Way, The Truth and The Life.”  


A great deal of time and effort into ensuring that the first few days of 2020 go smoothly for students, and I thank those involved for spending so much time getting the school ready.  Our new Year 7 students are looking ready and eager to begin their journey through high school and I wish them every success at Marian.


Along with new students, there are number of staff additions and positional changes this year. A full list of staff is also included.


This year there are 156 students enrolled, which is the largest ever in a cohort. To help accommodate such a large number, 710 in total, the College has purchased two more demountable classrooms and refurbished two other spaces.The new demountables are set up with reverse cycle air conditioners and already have new projectors. New desks are ordered to complete their set-up. Given the hot weather of the first week, having reverse cycle air conditioners in all classrooms has made life more bearable for students and teachers. The College hall has also had a multi-media upgrade with two new projectors and new sound system installed.


This week commenced with the 2019 Dux and High Achievers’ Assembly. Congratulations to Navdeep Singh Birring on being our Year 12 2019 Dux. A copy of his speech and photos from the event are in this newsletter. Congratulations also go to the four students who scored over 90 in their ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank),Naveep, Joeita Banerji, Talissa Cerato and Daniella Gullotta.


Today we are holding the College Swimming Carnival. The enthusiasm of the students to give their best and show such strong College spirit ensures a great finish to the first full week! Congratulations to all participants. My thanks to Sports Coordinator, Mrs Patten, all staff and parents who have helped make a successful and enjoyable event. Very soon Age Champions and the winning House will be announced.

Important Notice

Car Park and Drop-Off/Pick Up area Please be aware that drop/off and parking is either through the new Macarthur St entrance or along Hickey Crescent. Given the congestion around Macarthur St in the afternoon if advise parents to arrange pick up after 3:30pm to avoid cars waiting onto the street. Griffith City Council monitor this very closely and have the power to enforce fines. If the student car park has empty spaces you are welcome to use them as well.


 Further to this important information, no students are to be crossing Wakaden St to get picked up to go towards the main street. Students are to cross at Macarthur St and then head towards Banna Ave. Suggestions above have the support of the NSW Police and Griffith City Council. Students have been briefed about the change so please have a conversation with them about these requirements.

Peace and Best wishes 


Alan Le Brocque