Education In Faith

From the Director of Catholic Identity

Term 2 has started with a bang in the area of Education in Faith at MSJ. Returning from the break and celebrating the joy of Easter, our Youth in Action Team has developed a jammed packed term of events around the theme of 'Eat, Pray, Love'. Each week the team will cycle through these themes. Firstly gathering around food, students will share in games and fun as they get to know each other. The second week focuses around prayer and reflection and will open up students to different ideas and forms of prayer. Last week the team led a reflection on the Pope’s recent TED talk. In their final gathering the team will focus on social justice activities in the school as they respond to Christ’s greatest commandment to love one another. Our Youth in Action team continues to flourish and welcomes new members every week. Students from all year levels are encouraged to join. The team meets every Friday at lunch in the Wellness Centre.


This year the College opened up a number of options for Year 11 Religious Education curriculum, including that of Religious Education Ministry. This class has been busy preparing liturgies, fundraising and solidarity events. Their recent solidarity event saw over 350 students across the school engage in a Solidarity K's event held at the athletics carnival. Students who registered for this event walked around the oval to experience the distance that many people travel around the world to access basic needs such as water, health and education. One student walked a total of 10 km carrying a bucket on her head; the longest distance travelled by one student totalled over 15 km. Our student body is to be applauded for engaging in this valuable solidarity event.

As we move further into Term 2, our Social Justice Leaders will be working hard on the college celebrations of National Reconciliation week and Refugee and Asylum Seeker Week. Raising awareness for the needs of others and promoting the dignity of all and standing up for equality, is at the heart of Christ’s mission. Our students should be commended on their efforts in engaging in the social justice campaigns run at the school. Overall the student body in Term One raised $3200 for the Caritas Project Compassion campaign, which spoke out against domestic violence, promoting the rights of women and much more.


As we continue to reflect on how we can live out the Gospel in our daily lives, we pray;




Your spirit calls us to respond to the mysteries of the world with;

Love and compassion,

peace and justice,

mercy and forgiveness,

inclusiveness and dignity,

virtue and courage,


May the Holy Spirit who shaped the ministry of Jesus Christ, Mary MacKillop and Father Julian Tenison Woods, continue to shape our community in love. May our efforts bring our faith to life as we serve one another.

We ask this in Jesus’ name.


St. Mary of the Cross MacKillop…...Pray for us

St. Joseph…..Pray for us

(Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College, College Prayer)

AJASS Pilgrimage - Hobart

Recently our Year 10 students joined the annual AJASS Pilgrimage. This pilgrimage takes Year 10 students to various locations related to the Josephite ministry throughout Australia. This year the students ventured to Tasmania. It was here that we were immersed in exploring the story of Julian Tenison Woods and the Josephite order in state of Tasmania. Many friendships were formed on this trip and the students had a memorable time learning more about what it means to be a Josephite student.


Here are some of their reflections:


Between the 22nd and 25th of March, I was lucky enough to be a representative of our College on the 2017 AJASS Pilgrimage to Tasmania. Personally this trip gave me a greater connection to two of my Great Aunties, who are Sisters of St. Joseph. Upon returning home from the trip and reflecting on the meaning of it, I have realised how important it was to visit the towns that Fr Julian lived in whilst establishing the Sisters of St. Joseph in Tasmania. The trip gave me a greater respect for Father Julian Tenison Woods and everything he did to establish our fellow AJASS schools in Tasmania. This trip introduced me to other like-minded AJASS students, who all gained a special meaning from the trip. 

Michala Meliak


Going on the trip to Tasmania not only helped me to appreciate and bond with all the people around me, but also helped me appreciate being alone and having time to reflect on my own life. I learnt so much about the life and journey of Mary MacKillop and the Sisters of St. Joseph, especially their time in Tasmania. The trip for me was about experiencing new things and learning new life lessons that I will keep with me forever. Going to Tasmania and being surrounded by all new people has helped me to learn more about my faith and what it means to be a Catholic and has made me even more proud to be going to the school I go to and to be studying and engaging in with the faith community.

Mia Paladino


The trip meant a lot to me. It helped me become closer to the Josephite sisters and we were able to meet new people. This trip was one that I will never forget, it was the most 'free' I have ever felt. I felt a spiritual presence with me throughout the journey  and letting me experience the marvellous churches and landmarks that Mary Mackillop,  Father Julian Tenison Woods and the Josephite sisters journeyed through and we were able to follow in their footsteps. I felt honoured being on this journey with people from other schools and being able to meet the Josephite sisters. I have a better knowledge and understanding of Mary Mackillop and the Josephites and their history with Father Julian Tenison Woods.

Amber Wilson

Catholic Education Today

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A Beautiful Stained Glass Tribute

The final pieces of our Chapel renovation have been completed with the installation of the stained glass window. The stained glass window, that was originally installed in the front reception building, has found a new home in the Chapel. This stained glass window beautifully reflects the Josephite charism that is at the heart of our school, and will be a focal point for many students who enter into the Chapel for quiet reflection time and prayer. 

The window was designed and installed in memoriam of a long serving staff member, Mr Robert Morton. Mr Morton worked at Mount St. Joseph Girls' College for 22 years. He was a passionate and dedicated teacher  whose exceptional skills as school photographer, his commitment to the Peace Program, his devotion to Our Lady and his dedication to our Josephite community will not be forgotten. The window was designed by Sr Therese Quinn, another long serving staff member at the College. 


The famous quote from Mary MacKillop, We are but travellers here, reminds our community to value the time we have in our lives and commit to doing all we can to build a better world. 


Danielle Fairthorne

Director of Catholic Identity