Social Media

SNC on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and You Tube

Have you liked our Facebook page? Did you know the Collegeis active on Instagram and Twitter? 

Social media is proving increasingly helpful in keeping the extended College community up to date with the many happenings at SNC – from upcoming events to sporting highlights, student success and the many facets of College life.


With more than 2000 followers, our Facebook page is a great way for the College to share news items, such as the cake stall and barbecue on Interview Day or galleries of pictures such as the Year 9 camp (both shown above).

Look out for our Media Team’s Instagram posts at the upcoming Interschool Athletics Carnival. Find out more about the impending Parent Seminar featuring inspirational guest speaker Rob Pike by clicking on our Facebook Events page. Or see what the Canons are up to through the eyes of our Physical Education staff who sometimes even live stream Canons competitions.

The most recent addition to our You Tube Channel was a video about Year 11 and 12 Subject Selection, as told by several Leavers. View the video at and to receive regular updates of College activities simply 'like' or 'follow'  and  and


Mrs L Quartermain (Community Relations)