Releasing potential

Crown Shyness

On the recent long weekend, my extended family set off to enjoy the natural beauty of the Adelaide Hills.  Not only were we treated to good old fashion hospitality with friendly orchard and winery owners but gifted with the the time to just lie down on the cool earth and look up into the sky.  This photo was taken on a property in Oakbank from my cozy spot on a picnic blanket.  When I looked up it reminded me of a natural phenomenon called 'crown shyne' a term coined to what some have called a trees aversion to being "touchy feel".  It is where the uppermost part of the tree does not touch the surrounding trees and opens up to allow the crown (the innermost part of the tree) to have a halo of uninterrupted view of the sky.  Now some of the theories around this refer to physical proximity of trees to one another and the natural damage that happens during windy weather; others refer to the harmful affects of insects from one tree to another and so therefore the tree shies away from being close to another; or the facilitation of photosynthesis where the tree opens up empty spaces within its grandeur to receive direct sunlight. 

This natural image and moment of reflection made me think of our children at Curiosity.  It has only been a few months now, however each day we are gifted with the opportunity to see each child find their confidence to grow in their attributes, abilities and attitudes towards themselves and each other in community. 

For some of our children it has meant learning some pro-social behaviours and how to invite others into their sustained play, for some demonstrating perseverance and having courage to try things again, for others it has been executing patience and using kind words when not being able to go first. 

Inside each of us is an immeasurable amount of potential that is released when we gift each other with time, patience and love.  Irrespective of the reason around 'crown shyness', I can step back and see the beauty that appears when everything and everyone has the opportunity to release their God given potential. 

Ephesians 3:20 - " Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you."