Other Information

School Updates and Information

Family Night Fun helped raise more than $4,000 to go towards our new oval!

Mother's Day Stall

Office News

Some may have already noticed but we have a 'Compass Kiosk' at the front office which allows for electronic signing in for visitors to the school, plus signing in late students and early departures.  It is very simple to use and Sandy is always happy to assist.


Permission and payment for most excursions/incursions/activities is available online through Compass, and is easy, safe and convenient.  A paper note doesn't need to be completed if giving permission through Compass.  If paying by CSEF or cash the paper note still needs to be returned please.


CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund) applications close on 21st June, so if you are a new eligible Health Care Card holder please see the office for more information or see information in Compass School Documentation.  If you applied for CSEF in 2018, you do not need to complete a new application form in 2019.  Thank you.

Rollins Primary School recognises that every day of attendance at school contributes towards a student's learning and that maximising school attendance enhances academic outcomes.

Each newsletter the attendance rates of Rollins students will be visible for the entire community. We take attendance very seriously at Rollins PS and have a goal to have as close to 100% of student attendance as possible.

Whole school year to date (YTD) %Whole school past fortnight %


GradePrepGrade1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6
% attendance YTD93.3%91.7%91.1%91.9%92.3%93.8%92.5%

For more information regarding attendance please follow the link to the Education Department's Attendance Policy