From the Primary School

Prospect Mayor, Mr David O’Loughlin and Mr Frank Ali enjoy the recent Prospect Gallery Exhibition

From the Primary School

Prospect Gallery Exhibition

Last week we were treated to a fantastic community event at the Prospect Gallery. Four schools (three DECD schools and Blackfriars) were invited to showcase their artistic interpretation of the theme, Wonder – Think Big.


Our 27 display items were varied, creative and individual. Mayor of Prospect, Mr David O’Loughlin, was impressed with the standard of the boys’ work, as he was of all the pieces displayed.


Our boys were also charged with supplying and serving foods that represented our cultural backgrounds. Our appreciation must go to the families who supplied the delicious fare for all to enjoy.


The work that Mrs Emily Kenny has done with the boys in Art in such a short period of time is also to be commended and was proudly on show at this exhibition. Thanks Mrs Kenny and Ms Alex Hansen and all the helpers for making it such an impressive evening. Nearly all the Primary staff attended along with some 300 people – a huge turnout. The exhibition is open until 23 June – a must see!



NAPLAN Testing

Last week, our Year 3, 5 ,7 and 9 boys undertook the NAPLAN testing online and, despite a few minor technical difficulties (not from our end), the testing went smoothly. Please note that NAPLAN is but one of many indicators of where boys are at with their Literacy and Numeracy. When the “results” are published I will be more than happy to explain individual results with you.


Special thanks to Mrs Jo West for coordinating the tests and to the year level staff as well as Mr Martin Torres and Mr Daniel Salcedo, our excellent IT staff.


Another New Addition in the Primary School

You may have noticed our latest addition to the Primary area – very life-like!



Dates to Remember

24 May – Reception to Year 2 Excursion, “The Gruffalo”

27 May – FYI Education (Incursion)

30 May – Crows visit: Positive Reflections – follow up from Growing with Gratitude

                  12.00 – 12.50pm followed by Junior Primary Football Clinic

3 June – Catholic Education Week

10 June – Queen’s Birthday Holiday

25 June – Primary Arts Evening 5.30pm (food available from 5.00pm)

28 June – Term 2 ends for students 3.05pm.


Enjoy this beautiful Autumn weather!



Mr Frank Ali