Community Bulletin Board
Blackfriars Mental Health Student Gathering
For all Year 10-12 students there will be a Blackfriars Mental Health Student Gathering.
School of Languages
St Dominic's Priory College
Quiz night at St Dominic's!
St Joseph's Old Scholars Winter Luncheon
St Joseph's Old Scholars Winter Luncheon
Hampstead Hotel, corner North East/Hampstead Roads, Collinswood
Wednesday 5 June 2019
11.45am for 12noon start
Bookings by 31 May with Josie - 8295 3667 or Chris - 8263 1948
Seniors Menu ranges from $10-$13 (salad/veg bar $2 extra)
Seating WILL NOT be allocated
Most (male or female) have a connection with a Josephite School / College as a teacher/student and/or St Mary MacKillop
All welcome!