Primary Debating Team

Primary Debating Team – from left: Archie Stevens, Luca Emmerson, Christian Valentincic and Brae Traegar

Primary Debating Team

Article by Archie Stevens & Christian Valentincic.


Introducing our Primary Debating Team – Archie Stevens, Luca Emmerson, Christian Valentincic and Brae Traegar (absent  from the phtograph above is Liam Le).


The topic for our first debate was “We should NOT have homework for primary school students”. This is quite a popular argument in many classrooms, so we had some strong points to present. Our team was taking the negative stand, saying we shouldn’t ban homework and we were against St Andrews as the affirmative team. The opposition’s arguments were very persuasive (matched with ours of course) and overall, we were successful in second place.


The topic for our next debate is ‘We should ban Fast Food advertising’. Once again, we are on the negative side and once again, we will have some great points to present. Watch this space!


Ms Claire Holland