Primary School News
Our Year 5s are shortly to embark on a journey to explore the rich history of the Ballarat goldfields
Primary School News
Our Year 5s are shortly to embark on a journey to explore the rich history of the Ballarat goldfields
I trust everyone had a relaxing holiday break and are ready for a busy but slightly shorter term.
The Advent term is characterised by the many events that are hopefully the celebration and culmination of a great year. On the other hand, we also prepare for the coming year and the new Receptions for 2019 commence their transition visits this week. We trust it will be smooth and that they look with anticipation in joining the Primary section of our school.
Our Year 5 boys are preparing to embark on their educational Goldfields Tour of Ballarat soon and we give them our best wishes and thank in advance their teachers for giving up their personal time to accompany the boys. Mrs Johanna West, Mrs Stephanie La Forgia and Mr Henry Vo will be attending with them.
We received some joyous news this week that Mrs Bianca Kovacevic is with child – congratulations! Families from the ELC would already know that Mrs Jacqui Ballestrin is also expecting next year as is Mrs Krystale Petruzzella from Year 3 (something in the water?). Best wishes to all.
Ms Schwidder also indicated she has an opportunity through her studies of a Masters in Inclusive Education to undertake field work and study overseas for 2019. This will be a great opportunity for her and hopefully she will return in 2020 with new skills to share with all.
On Sunday 11 November, Remembrance Day, the school is hosting A Boutique Life (Design Market) and our Parent Community (P&F) are supporting it and hence receiving funds from the proceeds. It promises to be a very worthwhile venture for your family.
Enjoy the warmer weather.
Mr Frank Ali