Beyond the classroom

MIFF Documentary
Lucy Anderson (Year 10) was featured in a documentary film that premiered at the 2019 Melbourne International Film Festival.
The MIFF program synopsis explains:
No Time for Quiet joins a group of girls and gender-fluid youths as they discover the empowering strength of music through a GIRLS ROCK! camp in Melbourne. The film features appearances from rock sensation Courtney Barnett, local punk trio Cable Ties and Sikh-Australian slam poet Sukhjit Khalsa.
When we first meet these youngsters – aged from 12 to 16 – there are plenty of nerves: for some of the students, mental health is a pressing concern and making friends is not easy; others are trying something brand new for the first time, having never picked up an instrument before. It’s a joy and a privilege to watch these very different young people bond, find a sense of belonging and identity, and discover their voices over the course of the week-long school holiday program and beyond.
No Time for Quiet offers a remarkable insight into contemporary teenage lives, and an optimistic message of inclusion and acceptance.
The film's subjects, including Lucy performed at the Forum before a Q&A session about the film.
Congratulations to Lucy, the Girls Rock! participants and the filmmakers for sharing their experiences and showing the power of music-making to provide a supportive safe space to grow and develop.