Student Leadership

Model UN
On Tuesday 27 August, there was a Model United Nations forum hosted by Mentone Grammar School.
MGSC had two teams. Maia Lafferty and Mia Evans from Year 10 and Ava Jaconelli and Eva Cutts from Year 11 represented Mexico. Year 10 students Nisha Makam, Haidee Sharpe, Sinead Garry and Caity Elms represented Australia. The aim of the Model UN forum was for all represented countries to agree on a resolution regarding the topic: Enough is Enough: Ending Global Violence Against Women and Girls.
Each delegate was provided a Draft Resolution and we were required to make amendments to this based on our country’s position. For example, a specific clause outlined the requirement for developed countries to increase foreign aid for women's resources in developing countries. While Mexico supported this, Australia did not - as was reflected by many countries on the day. Together, certain countries worked together to create an amendment where developing countries would receive more money and developed countries would not have to give much away. At the end of the day, Mexico and Australia could agree and this was the purpose of the conference itself.
Overall, the day was a success as a Resolution was created and supported to help end violence against women and girls. It was an extremely beneficial activity, in terms of speaking and developing diplomatic skills and the Model UN forum provided an insight into how countries work. It was fun too and we would definitely recommend it to prospective students. You’re bound to get delegates who make the day memorable. Let’s just say, Russia had certain controversial views and it certainly made the day entertaining.
Nisha Makam (Year 10)
Nominations for 2020 roles now open
The student leadership program reflects the need for all students to develop leadership skills and have an opportunity to put these into practice. Our domain leaders have been responsible for many new initiatives this year such as Languages Week, Science Week and Book Week.
It's time for our current Year 7 to Year 11 students to consider getting involved for 2020. Role descriptions and nomination forms are now available. All students are welcome to nominate. The program supports students to build their leadership skills, provides external training opportunities and encourages students to attend and represent MGSC at conferences.
With the exception of the VCE Committee and Year 8 Class Captains, all other forms are due by Friday September 20 (last day of term).
Wendy Harvey
Director of Girls' Leadership