Maths @ CSPS

Maths and Home Learning

Now that we are in the swing of home learning the previous newsletter article about “How to help your child at home” is more pertinent than ever. 

This is a great time for parents to embed a positive mindset around mathematics. These small tips will increase your child’s perseverance in maths practise and decrease your child’s resistance to do math problems.

be positive about their numeracy experiences and praise effort and perseverance,

let your child know that everyone can be successful,

seize opportunities to learn with your child on math activities,

Math learning has changed a lot since I went to school, it has even changed a lot from when I first started teaching. The misconceptions around learning math is the first wall we need to break down in order for our students to be resilient and explore mathematical concepts. Maths isn’t always about memorising and formulas, although they help, connecting maths to the real world is where mathematical success thrives. 

So at CSPS we have taken every opportunity through home learning to relate our math concepts to the real world and include lots of hands-on activities.

The students are now making connections between the real world and math through cooking, object measurement, paper plane making, long jump etc.