Important school news

Curriculum Day
Just a reminder to all families that Friday 12th November is a Curriculum Day. This allows our teaching staff to participate in a Maths PD.
Vision Testing
The Lions Eye Health Program full vision screening for students in Year Prep, Year 1 and Year 6 as well as Koorie students was rescheduled to Wednesday 10th November. This is an ‘opt in’ screening program and can now go ahead for those who had returned the form. Sue, from the Lions Health program, let us know that they have time to test any other students who parents are concerned about, so if you would like your child/children tested please complete the permission form before Wednesday 10th November and return it to school. There will also be spare forms at the office.
If you have any questions, please email Gina Mills :
Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions, we had to postpone the University of Melbourne
hearing screening until 2022.
Spare change of clothes for younger students
To assist students with any accidents they may have at school that require a change of clothes, it is recommended that the younger year levels, particularly Year Prep & 1, have a change of clothes in their bag. The school only have a limited amount of spare clothes, so often don't have a suitable change for students to utilise.
ANZAC poppies
We have a variety of Remembrance Day items for sale through the office. Prices range from $2 - $10.